Sigrid D. Peyerimhoff

Comparison of various CI treatments for the description of potential curves for the lowest three states of O2

Abstract Various ab initio CI treatments are reported for the 3 Σ − g , 1 Δ g and 1 Σ + g states of O 2 with particular emphasis on the agreement obtained between calculated and experimental results for binding energies and bond distances of these species and also for transition energies between them. The utility of off-center s and p gaussians in describing the bonding process is stressed and the possibility of optimizing the configurations used in the calculations at each internuclear distance is considered.

research product

Comparison of the molecular structure and spectra of benzene and borazine

Ab initio SCF MO and CI calculations for two different gaussian basis sets are carried out for the isoelectronic molecules benzene C6H6 and borazine B3N3H3 in order to investigate the effect of increasing the flexibility in the representation of their respective π systems. In the process it is found from comparison of orbital charge density contour diagrams and inner shell orbital energies of borazine with analogous data for other systems that the BN bonds of this compound are considerably less polar (B+N−) than that of ammonia borane BNH6 (B−N+). CI calculations employing the larger basis set produce generally better agreement with the experimental transition energies of benzene than do th…

research product

Comparison of cartesian and lobe function Gaussian basis sets

The lobe function and cartesian (spherical harmonic) gaussian are compared with reference to calculations for second-row atoms. Single and grouped gaussian basis sets which have been reported for cartesian functions are taken over directly to construct corresponding lobe function bases with identical sets of exponents and with lobe separations chosen by a scaling procedure. Total and orbital energies and SCF coefficients resulting from calculations on the second-row atoms using the two types of functions for both primitive and grouped gaussian basis sets are seen to be in excellent agreement, thereby emphasizing the essential equivalence of lobe functions and cartesian gaussians, at the ver…

research product

Extension of Walsh's rules to more general systems

It is demonstrated that location of hydrogen atoms within bonding distance of a simple triatomic molecule can alter the order of energy levels relative to that of the parent system without significantly changing the behavior of the orbital energies under geometrical variation. As a result the ground state electronic configurations of H n AB2 systems often differ from those of triatomics with the same number of electrons and this fact is shown to be directly responsible for the existence of such distinctive geometrical structures as those possessed by cyclopropane, cyclopropyl and allyl cations and cyclopropene. Thus the familiar prescription of Walsh's rules which states that isoelectronic …

research product

Vibrational analysis of the electronic spectrum of ethylene based onab initio SCF-CI calculations

Ab initio calculations for CH2 twisting and CC stretching vibrational wavefunctions and energy levels are reported for various electronic states of ethylene C2H4. Electronic transition moments between these states are also obtained to allow a calculation of the oscillator strengths for vibrational transitions involved in various electronic band systems; from this study it is concluded that thevertical electronic energy differenceΔE e may differ significantly from the energy of the absorption maximumΔE max with which it is often equated. In particular it is found in the case of theπ→π * singlet-singlet excitation of ethylene that theΔE e value overestimates the most probable vibrational tran…

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