Kristoffer Tellefsen
The Shielding Effect of Drilling Fluids on MWD Downhole Compasses: The Effect of Drilling Fluid Composition, Contaminants and Rheology
Materials such as added clays, weight materials, drill solids and metalic wear products in the drilling fluid are known to distort the geomagnetic field at the location of the Measurement While Drilling (MWD) tool magnetometers that are used to measure the direction of well path. This distortion contributes to substantial errors in determination of azimuth while drilling deviated wells. These errors may result in missing the target of a long deviated 12 ¼″ section in the range of 1–200m; representing a significant cost to be mitigated. The error becomes even more pronounced if drilling occurs in arctic regions close to the magnetic North Pole (or South Pole). The effect on the magnetometer …
The Shielding Effect of Drilling Fluids on Measurement While Drilling Tool Downhole Compasses—The Effect of Drilling Fluid Composition, Contaminants, and Rheology
Materials such as added clays, weight materials, drill solids, and metallic wear products in the drilling fluid are known to distort the geomagnetic field at the location of the measurement while drilling (MWD) tool magnetometers that are used to measure the direction of well path. This distortion contributes to substantial errors in determination of azimuth while drilling deviated wells. These errors may result in missing the target of a long deviated 12 ¼ in. section in the range of 1–200 m, representing a significant cost to be mitigated. The error becomes even more pronounced if drilling occurs in arctic regions close to the magnetic north pole (or south pole). The effect on the magneto…