Daina Riekstina
Natural Radioactivity in Clay Ceramics and their Raw Materials in Latvia
Natural radionuclides K-40, and Th-232, U-238 (Ra-226) decay chain products contained in building materials are the main source of radiation dose received by population and the only source of indoor radiation exposure. Present work contains results of the study of natural radionuclide activity level in clay, clay ceramics and silica bricks used in Latvia. Obtained data show that radionuclide content in different clay products can differ up to five times. However, determined activity index values for all tested materials, except fireproof bricks, were below radionuclide concentration level permitted by EU and Latvian national regulations. Comparison with analogous data from other North Europ…
Natural Radioactivity in Clay and Building Materials Used in Latvia
Abstract This paper presents the results of natural radionuclide concentration and activity index study in materials used for construction in Latvia. Special attention is given to clay and clay ceramics. Concentrations of K-40 and Th- 232, U-238 radioactivity were determined using gamma-spectrometry method. In some building ware, maximal concentration of K-40 was 1440 Bq/kg, and of U-238 - 175 Bq/kg. In granite, the determined maximum concentration of Th-232 was 210 Bq/kg. It was found that radionuclide content in different period clay deposits can differ by more than two times, and up to five times in different clay ceramics. The results obtained are compared with analogous data from the o…