H. Högmander
A Random Field Approach to Transect Counts of Wildlife Populations
Line transect counting of a wildlife population is considered a sampling from a planar marked point process, where the marks describe the detectability of the animals. Sampling properties of transect counts and a new density estimator are derived from a counting process, which is a shot-noise field induced by the marked point process. A general formula for the sampling variance of a transect is derived and applied to compare five common types of transects. Some stereological connections of transect sampling and density estimators are shown.
The impact of sexual selection on Corynosoma magdaleni (Acanthocephala) infrapopulations in Saimaa ringed seals (Phoca hispida saimensis)
In free-living animals sexual selection is a central force shaping the spatial distribution of individuals in a population as well as sexual size dimorphism. We studied the influence of sexual selection on spatial distribution, female-to-male body size ratio, and female mating success of acanthocephalans in a natural host population of Saimaa ringed seal (Phoca hispida saimensis) harbouring a single intestinal helminth species, Corynosoma magdaleni. The acanthocephalans were always found along the full length of the small intestine; however, the site selection varied among the individual seals according to the age of the infection. The distribution of male acanthocephalans was not random wi…