Michele Saporito
Correlation between clinical and radiographic classification of osteoarthritis and SNPs linked to osteoarthritis susceptibility
Surgical time for graft preparation using different suture techniques
Background: The purpose of the present study was to compare the operative time for graft prepa- ration using different techniques for graft sutur- ing. Material and methods: Flexor profundus tendons were harvested from fresh pig hind-leg trotters. Three different suture techniques were investigat- ed: the Krackow stitch (K), the Whipstitch (W), and the Modified Finger-Trap suture (MFT). Ten- dons were sutured starting at 10 mm from the dis- tal free end of the tendon. The suture configura- tions of the Krackow stitch and Whipstitch were completed with five suture throws. According to the MFT technique, the suture was wrapped five times around the tendon over a distance of 30 mm. The time re…
Genetic, clinical and radiographic signs in knee osteoarthritis susceptibility
Abstract INTRODUCTION: Osteoarthritis (OA) is considered to be a multifactorial and polygenic disease and diagnosis is mainly clinical and radiological. Correlation between radiographic data and clinical status has been reported. However, very few studies, especially in Caucasian people, describe the association between the Kellgren and Lawrence OA grading scale (KL) and genetic alterations to better understand OA etiopathogenesis and susceptibility. In order to update the knee OA grading, in this study we assessed the associations between KL grade, clinical features such as American Knee Society Score (AKSS), age, and polymorphisms in the principal osteoarthritis susceptibility (OS) genes …