Lucyna Sochocka
Intensity of the phenomenon of refusal to subject children to preventive vaccinations in the years 2002-2016 based on analysis of primary health care medical records
Background. Vaccinations are the most effective method for preventing infectious diseases. Massive implementation of long-term vaccinations strategies has resulted in elimination or a reduced incidence of many infectious diseases. Aim of the study. To evaluate the intensity of the phenomenon of refusal to subject children to preventive vaccinations by attempting to characterize the parental group who refuse to vaccinate their children, determining the type and number of unrealized vaccinations, and identifying the reasons for being unvaccinated. Material and methods. The research material was medical records from the Non-Public Heath Care Unit in Opole. It concerned implementation of the Pr…
The frequency of select adaptation disorders in preterm newborns
Background: Preterm birth, defined as the birth of an infant before 37 complete weeks of gestation, is the single major cause of death and disability in children up to 5 years of age in the developed world. Aim of the study: The study aimed at analyzing select adaptation disorders in newborns delivered between 34–37 weeks of gestation and in particular, (1) determining the frequency of breathing, thermoregulatory, hypoglycemic and pathological hepatic disorders, and (2) examining underlying factors that determine their incidence. Material and methods: The study was carried out according to the documentoscopy on the basis of medical files collected between 2019–2020 at the Neonatal and Prete…