Brachyptery analysis in Alloxysta (Hymenoptera: Figitidae): Synonymy of A. curta Ferrer-Suay and Pujade Villar as the brachypterou of A. ramulifera (Thomson) in the nearctics male
Eight brachypterous species have been described within the hymenopteran genus Alloxysta. Intraspecific wing polymorphism linked to sex has been previously hypothesized within this genus and the aim of this work was to confirm whether the phylogenetic relationships based on morphological characters between brachypterous and macropterous species are correct using molecular analyses. This study used material collected from Minnesota (USA), with 278 specimens identified as Alloxysta brachyptera (Hartig, 1840), A. curta Ferrer-Suay and Pujade-Villar, 2017 (Ferrer-suay et al. 2017), A. brevis (Thomson, 1862), or A. ramulifera (Thomson, 1862). Twenty-three of these specimens were subjected to sequ…