Fabio-correia Sampaio
Influence of the dental prosthetic status on self-perceptions of health and treatment needs : a cross-sectional study of middle-aged adults with chronic disease
Background Subjective aspects of dental prosthesis need in middle-aged adults are poorly explored, especially when the population presents chronic diseases. Objectives: To investigate if the use and necessity of dental prosthesis influence the self-perceptions of health and dental treatment need in middle-aged adults with chronic diseases. Material and Methods A cross-sectional study was performed in 210 middle-aged adults. Socio-demographic aspects, dental services use, oral and general perceptions of health, dental treatment need and OIDP were assessed using a standardized questionnaire. One trained dentist evaluated the use and necessity of dental prosthesis. Data were analyzed using Chi…
Erosive effect of industrialized fruit juices exposure in enamel and dentine substrates: An in vitro study
Background Erosive tooth wear has been a highly prevalent and emerging phenomenon related to eating habits of the population. Aim: This study sought to investigate industrialized fruit juices exposure in enamel and dentine substrates in terms of erosive effect. Material and methods Human enamel and dentine specimens were randomized into 8 groups (n=8): Grape juice - Ades®, Grape juice - Del Valle Kapo®, Grape juice - Aurora®, Orange juice - Del Valle Kapo®, Orange juice - Ades®, Strawberry juice - Mais Vita®, Strawberry juice - Ades®, Citrus fruit juice - Tampico®. Specimens were submitted to an in vitro erosive challenge and to a microhardness test to evaluate the percentage of surface mic…