Martin Venhart
Alpha-decay studies of the francium isotopes 198Fr and 199Fr nuclei
Very neutron deficient francium isotopes have been produced in fusion evaporation reactions using 60Ni ions on 141Pr targets. The gas-filled recoil separator RITU was employed to collect the fusion products and to separate them from the scattered beam. The activities were implanted into a position sensitive silicon detector after passing through a gas-counter system. The isotopes were identified using spatial and time correlations between the implants and the decays. Two α-particle activities, with Eα = 7613(15) keV and T1/2 = (15+12 −5 ) ms and Eα = 7684(15) keV and T1/2 = (16+13 −5 ) ms were identified in the new isotope 198Fr. In addition, the half-life and α-particle energy of 199Fr wer…
First prompt in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy of a superheavy element: the 256Rf
Using state-of-the-art γ-ray spectroscopic techniques, the first rotational band of a superheavy element, extending up to a spin of 20 ¯h, was discovered in the nucleus 256Rf. To perform such an experiment at the limits of the present instrumentation, several developments were needed. The most important of these developments was of an intense isotopically enriched 50Ti beam using the MIVOC method. The experimental set-up and subsequent analysis allowed the 256Rf ground-state band to be revealed. The rotational properties of the band are discussed and compared with neighboring transfermium nuclei through the study of their moments of inertia. These data suggest that there is no evidence of a…
Transition probability studies in 175Au
Transition probabilities have been measured between the low-lying yrast states in 175Au by employing the recoil distance Doppler-shift method combined with the selective recoil-decay tagging technique. Reduced transition probabilities and magnitudes of transition quadrupole moments have been extracted from measured lifetimes allowing dramatic changes in nuclear structure within a low excitation-energy range to probed. The transition quadrupole moment data are discussed in terms of available systematics as a function of atomic number and aligned angular momentum. peerReviewed
Low-lying excited states in the neutron-deficient isotopes 163Os and 165Os
Excited states in the neutron-deficient isotopes 163Os and 165Os were identified using the JUROGAM and GREAT spectrometers in conjunction with the RITU gas-filled separator. The 163Os and 165Os nuclei were populated via the 106Cd(60Ni,3n) and 92Mo(78Kr,2p3n) reactions at bombarding energies of 270 MeV and 357 MeV, respectively. Gamma-ray emissions from these nuclei have been established unambiguously using the recoil-decay tagging technique and a coincidence analysis has allowed level schemes to be established. These results suggest that the yrast states are based upon negative-parity configurations originating from the νf7/2 and νh9/2 orbitals. peerReviewed