Santo Vazzano
A new design problem in the formulation of a special moment resisting connection device for preventing local buckling
In the present paper an improved formulation devoted to the optimal design problem of a special moment resisting connection device for steel frames is proposed. This innovative device is called a Limited Resistance Plastic Device (LRPD) and it has been recently proposed and patented by some of the authors. It is thought to be preferably located at the extremes of the beam, connecting the beam end cross section with the relevant column. The typical device is a steel element characterized by symmetry with respect to three orthogonal barycentric planes and constituted by a sequence of three portions with abrupt cross section changes. The main novelty of the present proposal is related to the d…
On the Post-Elastic Behavior of LRPH Connections
The paper concerns the study of the post-elastic behavior of a recently proposed innovative device, named Limited Resistance Rigid Perfectly Plastic Hinge (LRPH). In particular, LRPH is a steel device of finite length realizing a moment connection between beam elements of a steel frame; it is designed in order to possess two main and independent requirements: its bending moment resistance must be suitably lower than the one of the connected beam element and its overall bending stiffness must be equal to that of the connected beam element characterized by the same length. In order to make the proposed device reliable, LRPH must be capable of realizing a full plastic hinge for the assigned be…
Iterative Optimal Design of Special Moment Resisting Devices for Steel Frames
Abstract The present paper proposes an iterative procedure devoted to reaching the optimal design of an innovative, recently proposed, moment resisting device. This special device, called Limited Resistance Plastic Device (LRPD), can be utilized, as an example, to equip a steel frame when it is required that the frame must be designed to substitute a masonry panel, i.e., it must be characterized by a structural behaviour as close as possible to the one of the replaced masonry wall. This purpose can be reached by designing the relevant frame imposing appropriate constraints on the elastic stiffness and on the limit resistance. The result can be obtained just by ensuring that the elastic stif…
Targeted steel frames by means of innovative moment resisting connections
Abstract The present paper proposes the use of stepped cross section devices on steel frames aiming at reproducing a pre-established target push-over curve. To this aim a Limited Resistance Plastic Device (LRPD) to be inserted along selected structural members is proposed. The following two main specific features for LRPD are required: any elastic flexural stiffness variation of the original selected member must be avoided; an ultimate plastic bending moment value equal to an assigned percentage of the original limit resistance value must be ensured. Steel frames equipped with LRPD are modeled by means of an extension of a recently proposed Fibre Smart Displacement Based (FSDB) beam element…
An innovative moment resisting steel connection: optimal design formulations, practical applications and experimental tests
This thesis concerns the study of an innovative moment resisting connection device to be adopted in the so-called moment resisting steel frames. Following previous seismic events, such as Northridge in 1994, many steel structures characterized by welded connections between beams and columns experienced extended damages and diffused brittle failures, making the facilities unserviceable and economically disadvantageous to repair. The answers to this problem is represented by a large number of studies, where several proposals for different devices, as well as special technical solutions, are available. However, the main idea developed among all the proposals is represented by the identificatio…
Smart Beam Element Approach for LRPH Device
LRPH (Limited Resistance Rigid Perfectly Plastic Hinge) device is a special steel device mainly usable to join beam elements of plane or spatial steel frames covered by patent n. 102017000088597 at the Italian Ministry of Economic Development and identified in the International Patent System with the number PCT/IB2018/055766. In the framework of moment (rigid) connection, the main fundamental innovation of LRPH consists in the mutual independence of its own resistance and stiffness features. The device is constituted by a sequence of three steel elements of limited length bounded by two parallel steel plates joined up with the connected structure elements. The cross-sections of the three st…
Reliable measures of plastic deformations for elastic plastic structures in shakedown conditions
A new formulation for evaluating reliable measures of the plastic deformations occurring in the transient phase of a structure in shakedown conditions is proposed. The structure is thought as constituted by elastic perfectly plastic material and subjected to a combination of fixed and cyclic loads. The proposed formulation consists in the search for the optimal plastic strain field that minimize a suitable objective function defining a strain energy measure related to the plastic strains at the shakedown limit. The typical self-stress field can be obtained as the elastic structural response to an assigned plastic strain field respecting appropriate ductility limits for the material. Without…
On the Limit Behaviour of Moment Resisting Connections Under Uncertainties
Abstract Moment resisting connections are mainly designed to transfer bending moments and shear forces. Generally speaking, the design strength of a moment resisting connection can be classified as full-strength (moment capacity of the connection equal to or greater than that of the connected member) or partial-strength (the moment capacity of the connection less than that of the connected member). Similar remarks can be made regarding the stiffness defining connection rigid or semi-rigid if compared to the stiffness of the connected member. In the past, full-strength connections have been widely adopted especially in moment resisting frames and their structural performance relied on the pr…
LRPH device optimization for axial and shear stresses
The paper concerns an in-depth study of a special connection for steel structures and the formulation of the related optimal design problem. The connection is called Limited Resistance Rigid Perfectly Plastic Hinge (LRPH) and it represents an innovative device devoted to join steel beam elements of frame structures. The device consists in a sequence of steel cross sections constituted by two parallel flanges with suitably different thickness connected by as many webs with constant and equal thickness. The fundamental innovation of the device is the possibility of designing special connections with elastic stiffness and limit strength independent of each other. Such a special characteristic …
Welded section defence by LRPD devices
The present paper concerns a special application of some recently proposed structural devices, called LRPD, able to protect the welded sections of frame steel structures from undesired brittle collapse ensuring the good expected ductile behaviour. Standard I-shaped cross-sections are treated, and the proposed devices are suitably considered as moment resisting connections between beams and columns. At first the domain representing the brittle safe conditions is defined in the N,V,M space; then a sample plane frame subjected to seismic load conditions is studied and it is proved that, equipping the structure with the proposed devices suitably designed, the generalized stresses at the welded …