Fabio Lo Mastro
Impianto di dissalazione multi-stage flash alimentato da vapore cogenerativo proveniente da termovalorizzazione di RSU
Proposal of a Hydrogen Stig Cycle with a Hirn Steam Bottoming Cycle
Comportamento al banco di pompa centrifuga azionata da motore a corrente continua alimentato da un emulatore di stack di celle a combustibile ad elettrolita polimerico
Centrifugal Water Pump Driven With a DC Motor Powered by an Emulator of MK5-E Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Stacks
Direct Current (DC) motors can be directly powered by Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) Stacks, to obtain plants with little maintenance and good reliability. To obtain a suitable efficiency working plant, it’s necessary to correctly match the load in order to operate in proximity to the best power line of the FC stacks generator. Otherwise by a proper field current regulation of a separately excited DC motor directly powered by a FC stacks generator, it is possible to extract from the generator itself the correct power for every temperature level. The present interest for this problem has advised the Authors to perform an experimental investigation, whose results are reported in t…
Elaborazioni dei rilievi ottenuti dal monitoraggio real time di un impianto turbogas
Cogeneration from Thermal Treatment of Selected Selected Municipal Solid Wastes. A Stoichiometric Model Building for the Case Study on Palermo
Cogenerazione da termovalorizzazione dei RSU tal quali e selezionati
Analysis of a Gas Turbine Almost Real Open Cycle Linked to the SOFC Module Behaviour
Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are particular promising electrochemical generators for their high operating temperature that makes them suitable for integration with gas turbine cycles and cogeneration. The kind of fuel cell taken into account is the tubular SOFC technology, mainly developed by Siemens-Westinghouse. The SOFC module is fed with natural gas with internal reforming and internal air preheating. Elevated pressures are adopted in order to increase both fuel cell efficiency and power density. The inlet air temperature is set to 630 °C, and the inlet fuel temperature to 200 °C. The heat generated by irreversibility at the electrodes structure is given to the fuel and air flow, and …
Proposal of a Simple Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) Stages Assessment Method
Thermoeconomic analysis of a coupled municipal solid waste thermovalorization–MSF desalination plant: an Italian case study
Abstract A thermoeconomic analysis of a cogenerative system with steam bleedings produced starting from the thermal energy recovered in a municipal solid waste thermovalorization plant is presented. The authors assume that the bled steam is used to feed a seawater multi-stage flash (MSF) desalination plant. A case study was carried out for the desalination plant, which operates in Raffineria di Gela (Sicily). In particular, the MSF process is described and the most significant features of the plant are presented. Besides, an economic analysis of a hypothetically coupled MSW thermovalorization–MSF plant was carried out to estimate the capital and operating costs and the gain derived from the…