G. Parla

un approccio teorico-sperimentale per la ricostruzione del profilo trasversale di rotaie usurate

La sovrastruttura ferroviaria durante la sua vita utile è sottoposta oltre ai carichi dinamici generati dai rotabili (azioni verticali, laterali, ecc.), anche ai carichi termici e ad azioni ambientali di varia natura. Tali sollecitazioni, interagendo sinergicamente tra loro, determinano il deterioramento della sovrastruttura ferroviaria inteso come discostamento dalla configurazione geometrica di progetto e l’usura dei singoli componenti del binario e della massicciata. Per valutare lo stato di efficienza della sovrastruttura è consuetudine far riferimento ad alcuni parametri geometrici del binario che, peraltro, permettono di formulare un giudizio oggettivo circa il livello di sicurezza of…

research product

Estimation of pollutant emissions from road traffic by image processing techniques. A case study in a suburban area

This paper suggests a methodology based on the image processing technique able to automatically calculate the vehicle traffic and its components (light vehicles, heavy vehicles and motorcycles). The method also allows to evaluate instant vehicle speeds and, where necessary, to rebuild vehicle trajectories. Traffic data obtained through the procedure described below (capacities and speeds) can be also usefully applied to estimate pollutant emissions from vehicle traffic per year; therefore, the suggested method employs the algorithms defined with CORINAIR procedures, implemented in Copert 4 software. In order to evaluate how effective is the methodology, an experiment has been carried out in…

research product

A new methodology to estimate deformation of longitudinal safety barriers

The correct sizing of storage areas in the port areas is aimed to optimizing the management of intermodal transport and to ensure efficiency and functionality to the entire port system. In this paper is proposed a simulation model for design the port storage areas taking into account many parameters like: the service time, the randomness of the arrivals process, the storage capacity in terms of TEU that can be stored (and handled) in the unit of time. The capacity of the terminal warehouse is determined by the interrelation between fixed and static parameters in the short period which are: i) the extension of the storage area; ii) the height of the overlapping batteries of container (define…

research product