Carlos Mínguez Pérez
Presentación de las memorias de Carlos Paris, cuarenta años después de dejar la Universidad de Valencia
Presencia de la categoría relación en el campo científico
La categoría de la relación en la filosofía de la naturaleza de Nicolai Hartmann
Copérnico y el humanismo renacentista
This article analyzes the Copernicus' position in the Renaissanse Humanism. Copernico belongs in time (1473-1543) and literary activities to the second Humanism. His printed work within the Humanae litterae is merely symbolic. But his scientific work reflects the so called 'dream of humanism', and that is to conquer a new civilization by the means of languages and classic cultures recovering. Far from the controversy against the contemporary science (scholasticism), Copernicus' references and criticisms to the greek and latin authors act as a support for the new model of Universe.