Eva Gunzenhäusser

Ungewöhnlicher Verlauf von otobasalen Frakturen mit Liquorrhoe*

In the literature the persistence of cerebrospinal Liquorrhea after temporal bone fractures is a rare event. Between 1989 and 1992 four cases of temporal bone fractures with dural involvement were operated at the University ENT Department Mainz. These temporal bone fractures showed delayed or persistent symptoms of dural lacerations between three and sixty months after head injury. During operation we found larger bone-dura defects (1-1.5 cm in diameter) and brain herniations in all cases. Strohm stated that only in rare cases a temporal bone fracture produced a larger gap in the tegmen tympani or antri. Therefore, we assumed that in our cases such larger bone-dura defects were caused by a …

research product

Effekt der kontralateralen Stimulation auf evozierte otoakustische Emissionen bei akutem Hörverlust*

23 patients with unilateral hearing loss and presence of TEOAE on both ears were examined with regard to the association between contralateral acoustic stimulation and evoked otoacoustic emissions. Contralateral white noise of 40 dB HL, 50 dB HL and 60 dB HL decreases the amplitude of TEOAE both at the ear with and without hearing loss. In comparison with a group of subjects with normal hearing, the decrease in the amplitude of TEOAE was less in the group of patients with hearing loss. Two paradoxical cases were found with an increase in the TEOAE amplitude in the ear with hearing loss during contralateral stimulation. It is assumed that impairment of the efferent synapses on the outer hair…

research product