Fabrizio De Vita
A fog-assisted system to defend against Sybils in vehicular crowdsourcing
Technological advancements in vehicular transportation systems have led to the growth of novel paradigms, in which vehicles and infrastructures collaborate to infer high-level knowledge about phenomena of interest. Vehicular Social Network (VSN) is one such paradigm in which vehicular network entities are considered as part of an Online Social Network (OSN), paving the way for new services derived from social context. Although vehicular crowdsourcing has tremendous benefits, its deployment in real systems requires to solve important challenges including defense against Sybil attacks. This paper proposes a novel fog-assisted system that uses SybilDriver to minimize the presence of Sybil enti…
A Novel Recruitment Policy to Defend against Sybils in Vehicular Crowdsourcing
Vehicular Social Networks (VSNs) is an emerging communication paradigm, derived by merging the concepts of Online Social Networks (OSNs) and Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs). Due to the lack of robust authentication mechanisms, social-based vehicular applications are vulnerable to numerous attacks including the generation of sybil entities in the networks. We address this important issue in vehicular crowdsourcing campaigns where sybils are usually employed to increase their influence and worsen the functioning of the system. In particular, we propose a novel User Recruitment Policy (URP) that, after extracting the participants within the event radius of a crowdsourcing campaign, detects …