Thorsten J. Nagel
High-temperature metamorphism and crustal melting at ca. 3.2 Ga in the eastern Kaapvaal craton, southern Africa
Abstract The question of whether high-grade metamorphism and crustal melting in the early Archaean were associated with modern-style plate tectonics is a major issue in unravelling early Earth crustal evolution, and the eastern Kaapvaal craton has featured prominently in this debate. We discuss a major ca. 3.2 Ga tectono-magmatic-metamorphic event in the Ancient Gneiss Complex (AGC) of Swaziland, a multiply deformed medium- to high-grade terrane in the eastern Kaapvaal craton consisting of 3.66–3.20 Ga granitoid gneisses and infolded greenstone remnants, metasedimentary assemblages and mafic dykes. We report on a 3.2 Ga granulite-facies assemblage in a metagabbro of the AGC of central Swazi…
Just another drip: Re-analysis of a proposed Mesoarchean suture from the Barberton Mountain Land, South Africa
Abstract Structural analysis of a proposed Mesoarchean suture located immediately to the southwest of the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa – known as the Inyoni Shear Zone (ISZ) – reveals that the main, steeply dipping, NNE-striking fabric is distributed across only 1 km width, is late (D3), and clearly overprints two earlier sets of fabric elements (D1, D2) that were originally oriented at right angles to the direction of proposed collision. Dating of a S2 foliated meta-trondhjemite is interpreted to indicate that D2 deformation was at, or younger than, 3238.2 ± 0.9 Ma. The D3 high strain fabric of the ISZ is localised around tightly folded, kilometre-scale supracrustal rafts, but d…