Jose Miguel Blanca
Quantitative genetic analysis of floral traits shows current limits but potential evolution in the wild
The vast variation in floral traits across angiosperms is often interpreted as the result of adaptation to pollinators. However, studies in wild populations often find no evidence of pollinator-mediated selection on flowers. Evolutionary theory predicts this could be the outcome of periods of stasis under stable conditions, followed by shorter periods of pollinator change that provide selection for innovative phenotypes. We asked if periods of stasis are caused by stabilizing selection, absence of other forms of selection or by low trait ability to respond even if selection is present. We studied a plant predominantly pollinated by one bee species across its range. We measured heritability …
Electronic supplementary materials for “A stable pollination environment limits current but not potential evolution of floral traits” by Castellanos et al. from Quantitative genetic analysis of floral traits shows current limits but potential evolution in the wild
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