Schulung des Inhalationsmanövers bei Kindern mit Asthma bronchiale mittels optischem Feedback
BACKGROUND: For inhalation as a mainstay of asthma therapy, the correct inhalation technique is of utmost importance. This comprises not only the correct handling of the device but also specific device-dependent requirements concerning the inhalation manoeuvre itself. METHODS: We examined whether totally different inhalation manoeuvres can be educated in parallel in asthmatic children. As target manoeuvres we defined: 1) an inhalation as fast as possible (peak inspiratory flow ≥ 60 l/min) with high acceleration in the starting phase as it is normally required for dry powder inhalers. 2) A constant inhalation at a flow between 40 and 90 l/min with a long duration as it is regarded to be opti…