Alternative NF-κB signaling regulates mTEC differentiation from podoplanin-expressing precursors in the cortico-medullary junction
The thymic epithelium forms specialized niches to enable thymocyte differentiation. While the common epithelial progenitor of medullary and cortical thymic epithelial cells (mTECs and cTECs) is well defined, early stages of mTEC lineage specification have remained elusive. Here, we utilized in vivo targeting of mTECs to resolve their differentiation pathways and to determine whether mTEC progenitors participate in thymocyte education. We found that mTECs descend from a lineage committed, podoplanin (PDPN)-expressing progenitor located at the cortico-medullary junction. PDPN(+) junctional TECs (jTECs) represent a distinct TEC population that builds the thymic medulla, but only partially supp…