J. Romero
In-beam γ-ray spectroscopy of 94Ag
A recoil-beta-tagging experiment has been per formed to study the excited T = 0 and T = 1 states in the odd–odd N = Z nucleus 94Ag, populated via the 40Ca(58Ni,1p3n)94Ag reaction. The experiment was con ducted using the MARA recoil separator and JUROGAM3 array at the Accelerator Laboratory of the University of Jyväskylä. Through correlating fast, high-energy beta decays at the MARA focal plane with prompt γ rays emitted at the reaction target, a number of transitions between excited states in 94Ag have been identified. The timing characteris tics of these transitions confirm that they fall within decay sequences that feed the short-lived T = 1 ground state of 94Ag. The transitions are propo…
Cover: Energy Storage: Giant Enhancement in the Supercapacitance of NiFe–Graphene Nanocomposites Induced by a Magnetic Field
The present paper reports on a study of the acoustical conditions in a secondary school of Gandia (Spain). Our data include a complete information on noise levels, reverberation times and speech intelligibility of classrooms, together with the results of two social surveys adressed to teachers and students in order to know their attitudes towards this problem.
Impact of Nuclear Deformation and Pairing on the Charge Radii of Palladium Isotopes.
International audience; The impact of nuclear deformation can been seen in the systematics of nuclear charge radii, with radii generally expanding with increasing deformation. In this Letter, we present a detailed analysis of the precise relationship between nuclear quadrupole deformation and the nuclear size. Our approach combines the first measurements of the changes in the mean-square charge radii of well-deformed palladium isotopes between A=98 and A=118 with nuclear density functional calculations using Fayans functionals, specifically Fy(std) and Fy(Δr,HFB), and the UNEDF2 functional. The changes in mean-square charge radii are extracted from collinear laser spectroscopy measurements …
Offline commissioning of a new gas cell for the MARA Low-Energy Branch
Results of offline commissioning tests for a new dedicated gas cell for the Mass Analysing Recoil Apparatus (MARA) Low-Energy Branch are reported. Evacuation time, ion survival and transport efficiency in helium buffer gas were characterized with a radioactive 223Ra 𝛼-recoil source. Suppression of the ion signal, originating from non-neutralized species in the gas cell, was explored with 219Rn ions, the daughter recoil of 223Ra, as a function of voltage applied to one of the ion-collector electrodes. Two-step laser resonance ionization of stable tin isotopes produced inside the gas cell from a heated bronze filament was demonstrated, and broadening of the atomic resonances in argon buffer …
Overview of the JET results with the ITER-like wall
Following the completion in May 2011 of the shutdown for the installation of the beryllium wall and the tungsten divertor, the first set of JET campaigns have addressed the investigation of the retention properties and the development of operational scenarios with the new plasma-facing materials. The large reduction in the carbon content (more than a factor ten) led to a much lower Zeff (1.2-1.4) during L- and H-mode plasmas, and radiation during the burn-through phase of the plasma initiation with the consequence that breakdown failures are almost absent. Gas balance experiments have shown that the fuel retention rate with the new wall is substantially reduced with respect to the C wall. T…
Nanosecond-Scale Proton Emission from Strongly Oblate-Deformed ^{149}Lu.
Using the fusion-evaporation reaction ^{96}Ru(^{58}Ni,p4n)^{149}Lu and the MARA vacuum-mode recoil separator, a new proton-emitting isotope ^{149}Lu has been identified. The measured decay Q value of 1920(20) keV is the highest measured for a ground-state proton decay, and it naturally leads to the shortest directly measured half-life of 450_{-100}^{+170} ns for a ground-state proton emitter. The decay rate is consistent with l_{p}=5 emission, suggesting a dominant πh_{11/2} component for the wave function of the proton-emitting state. Through nonadiabatic quasiparticle calculations it was concluded that ^{149}Lu is the most oblate deformed proton emitter observed to date.
CCDC 710317: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: E.Labisbal, L.Rodriguez, O.Souto, A.Sousa-Pedrares, J.A.Garcia-Vazquez, J.Romero, A.Sousa, M.Yanez, F.Orallo, J.A.Real|2009|Dalton Trans.||8644|doi:10.1039/b907539a
CCDC 710318: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: E.Labisbal, L.Rodriguez, O.Souto, A.Sousa-Pedrares, J.A.Garcia-Vazquez, J.Romero, A.Sousa, M.Yanez, F.Orallo, J.A.Real|2009|Dalton Trans.||8644|doi:10.1039/b907539a
CCDC 710320: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: E.Labisbal, L.Rodriguez, O.Souto, A.Sousa-Pedrares, J.A.Garcia-Vazquez, J.Romero, A.Sousa, M.Yanez, F.Orallo, J.A.Real|2009|Dalton Trans.||8644|doi:10.1039/b907539a
CCDC 710319: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: E.Labisbal, L.Rodriguez, O.Souto, A.Sousa-Pedrares, J.A.Garcia-Vazquez, J.Romero, A.Sousa, M.Yanez, F.Orallo, J.A.Real|2009|Dalton Trans.||8644|doi:10.1039/b907539a