Jānis Buls
Video spēle - "Apvītā meža gaisma"
Kvalifikācijas darbā ir aprakstīta 2D “Rogue-like” spēle. Spēle piedāvā spēlētājam spēles gaitā uzbūvēt savu kāršu kavu, ar kurām tas cīnīsies ar monstriem. Spēlei, attīstoties laika gaitā, spēlētājam ir jaizmanto kāršu dažādie efekti, lai tas radītu savu stratēģiju, kā tikt galā ar monstriem, un progresētu. Spēles gala mērķis ir uzveikt visus monstrus. Spēle ir izstrādāta, izmantojot C# valodu Unity dzinulī.
Machine $B_4$
We construct map $\xi$. It exhibits dense orbits for all $x\in\overline{0,1}^\omega$. We give elementary proofs for all statements.
From Bi-ideals to Periodicity
The necessary and sufficient conditions are extracted for periodicity of bi-ideals. They cover infinitely and finitely generated bi-ideals.
Automaton (Semi)groups (Basic Concepts)
In this paper, we give an introduction to basic concepts of automaton semigroups. While we must note that this paper does not contain new results, it is focused on extended introduction in the subject and detailed examples.
The infinite dihedral group
We describe the infinite dihedral group as automaton group. We collect basic results and give full proofs in details for all statements.
The Myths of and Solutions for Android OS Controlled and Secure Environment
<p class="R-AbstractKeywords"><span lang="EN-US">Android is the most popular mobile operating system nowadays both for smartphones and tablets. This fact creates many not fully recognized risks. Often even advanced users naive think that using antivirus software, firewall, encryption, updates, as well as avoiding potentially risky sites and applications are enough for security. This list is not full, but nevertheless each its item in most cases only conceals an illusion of reaching the security. Authors have summarized and pointed out several actual Android security issues and have proposed a number of possible solutions.</span></p><p class="R-AbstractKeywords">…