Martin Lechenet
Jusqu’où réduire l’usage de pesticide sans dégrader la productivité et la rentabilité de l’exploitation ?
prod 2017-301 SPE EA GESTAD DOCT INRA; National audience; Le suivi des fermes du réseau Dephy, créé entre 2010 et 2012 dans le cadre du plan Écophyto, permet, d’ores et déjà, d’évaluer les possibilités de réduire la dépendance aux pesticides : – en analysant les pratiques actuelles (en comparant les exploitations entre elles) ; – mais également en simulant des évolutions sur des scénarios réalistes. L’analyse de 946 fermes du réseau travaillant en agriculture conventionnelle montre la complexité des liens entre indicateur de fréquence de traitement (IFT) global de l’exploitation (système de culture), la productivité (exprimée en énergie produite) et la rentabilité (marge semi-nette). Il en …
L’agriculture française peut-elle réduire sa dépendance aux pesticides ?
International audience
Grandes Cultures : réduire les herbicides et le glyphosate. Enseignements des résultats d'expérimentation et du réseau Dephy
National audience
DEPHY : a large network of farmers reducing their reliance on pesticides
International audience
Weed dynamic in Conservation Agriculture: experiences from the Isite-BFC regional network of farmers and cropping system experiments on agroecology in France.
ISBN: 978-84-09-37744-2; International audience; Conservation Agriculture (CA) relies on three fundamental pillars: diversified crop rotation, permanent soil coverand no soil disturbance. Weed control relies on few tools because pre-sowing tillage, pre-emergence herbicidespraying and in-crop mechanical weeding are not possible. This could lead to drastic changes in weed communitiesand quickly after the transition to CA, with fewer annual species (weed seeds remain on the soil surface, a conditiondeemed to be unfavourable to weed germination) and higher perennial species. However, the implementation ofCA principles could be transcribed into a wide array of cropping systems because the object…
Peut-on concilier un faible usage de pesticides, une bonne performance économique et environnementale ? Analyse d’un réseau national de fermes de démonstration Ecophyto
Feeding an increasing world population with a sustainable agriculture is one of the greatest challenges of this century. The reduction of the reliance on pesticides is a critical aspect in this quest for sustainability. Whether cropping systems with reduced reliance on pesticides would be able to reconcile the various components of sustainability remains however a matter of debate. Are they as productive and profitable than current mainstream cropping systems? Here the objective is to study the feasibility of a reduced reliance on pesticides in France. We used a unique dataset from a national network of more than thousand arable commercial farms between 2009 and 2011. Launched in the framew…
Transition of agriculture to agroecology-based systems: lessons from the French experience
International audience; For more than one decade now, and partly as a response to European Commission directives, the French government is promoting a transition of agriculture to agroecology. Agroecology is here considered as a mode of agricultural production that is able to reconcile economic, environmental and social performances at the farm level. The national governmental plan ECOPHYTO is targeting a drastic decrease in the reliance on pesticides. This plan is one component of the ‘Agroecological project for France’ launched in year 2012, which is pointing out a systemic vision of technological changes. Even though these governmental initiatives were not successful in transforming the …
Reconciling pesticide reduction with economic and environmental sustainability in arable
National audience
Diversité des stratégies de gestion de la flore dans une diversité de situations de production. Analyse des performances du réseau Dephy Ferme
Prod 2018-236q GESTAD INRA EA DOCT
Field testing of IPM-based cropping systems: a diversity of experimental approaches in Europe
International audience; Integrated Pest Management (IPM) emphasizes physical and biological regulation strategies to control pests while reducing the reliance on pesticides. It is often based on combinations of control measures, because each available alternative measure might have a moderate efficiency. Field experiments are required to analyse the interactions between control measures, and to evaluate the sustainability of IPM-based cropping systems (CS). A network of European agronomists managing field experiments at the CS level was set recently, aiming at sharing data and expertise to enhance our knowledge on IPM. Comparing methodologies highlighted a diversity of approaches in CS desi…