Stefano Brusaporci
Digital experience for the enhancement of cultural heritage. VR and AR models of the Valentin im Viertel farmhouse.
Il saggio affronta lo studio del maso Valentim im Viertel attraverso la realizzazione del modello digitale utilizzato come strumento per la conoscenza dell’architettura della tradizione del Sud Tirolo. La metodologia adottata si basa sull’acquisizione dei dati rielaborati attraverso modelli VR e AR per la valorizzazione del patrimonio. This study deals with development of the farmhouse Valentim im Viertel digital model used as a tool for the knowledge of the South Tyrol traditional architecture. The methodological approach shows the acquisition of data and the use of VR and AR models for the enhancement of the cultural heritage.
Abstract. The aim of the paper is to study the characteristics of different 3D digital models (point clouds, mesh, CSG, BIM) for the realization of a museum of historical buildings widespread in the territory of South Tyrol through the 3D modeling of several farmhouses between the towns of Collalbo, Longomoso and Siffiano, in the Renon area. Therefore, moving from a defined case study, the paper proposes a workflow for model choice, use, and sharing considering also users profile.The objective is to create a system that allows, the sharing, both on site and remotely, of farmhouses digital models, information, images and documents found during the research. The purpose is to enhance the terr…
AHBIM for Wooden Built Heritage Conservation
The chapter investigates the potential offered by the Building Information Modeling for the conservation of the wooden architectural heritage. Based on the architectural survey, the BIM modeling of a South Tyrolean farm was carried out, with particular attention to the aspects related to its management and maintenance. Inside the database connected to the model, information about the building has been included, which can also be used on site through the use of mobile devices. The sharing of such information within a single platform avoids risks connected to the failure or incorrect transmission of data, allowing the optimization of the management, maintenance and conservation of the archite…
Alphabet as a pretext. Representation and architecture starting from J.D. Steingruber
Johann David Steingruber (1702-87) realizzò nel 1773 l’ “Alfabeto Architettonico” (titolo originale “Architektonisches Alphabeth bestehend aus 30 Rissen”),ovvero un compendio di edifici immaginari le cui piante presentano la forma delle lettere dell’alfabeto. A partire dall’analisi delle tavole, obiettivo del contributo è presentare una riflessione su questi disegni, sia in relazione alle intrinseche caratteristiche storiche ed estetiche, sia in relazione alla personalità dello Steingruber. Johann David Steingruber (1702-87) realized in 1773 the “Architectural Alphabet” (original title “Architektonisches Alphabeth bestehend aus 30 Rissen”), that is a compendium of imaginary buildings with p…