F. Naselli
MutAzione: un approccio innovativo al turismo per lo sviluppo delle aree interne
Nell’era digitale l’assunto di mutazione e cambiamento sono amplificati dall’accessibilità tramite un click; ma come tramutare tutto ciò in Azione, in Atto che non permetta tanto il mutare quanto il mutarsi di un gesto in fatto reale? Qui l’urbanista diventa strumento di colui che attraverso la propria professionalità tramuta parole su carta in mutAzioni del territorio “a margine”; colui che riesce, pragmaticamente, a ricucire il rapporto fra l’ambiente urbano e quello rurale. Se la parola sopravvivenza, in questi territori, è l’humus da cui ripartire, il termine mutazione ne rappresenta i semi; ma per crescere occorre l’acqua che è rappresentata dallo sviluppo. Il caso studio, quindi, si a…
IL-1b induces DNA demethylation, at genome level and in specific CpG sites of IL-6 and IL-8 genes in human intestinal epithelial cells
Inflammation is a complex physiological response that requires the activity of a sophisticated regulatory network involving the activation of specific genes for defense, tissue repair and remodeling. Although transcriptional activation has been shown to be critical in the regulation of inflammatory genes (1) the role of epigenetic phenomena in the modulation of the inflammatory response is now emerging (2). Specifically, it has been recently reported that proinflammatory stimuli induce DNA demethylation in the interleukin IL-1 promoter of human articular chondrocytes (3). IL-1 cytokine, among several proinflammatory agents, represents an essential player in the inflammatory conditions of …
Background and Aims: Hepatic enzyme CYP2E1 is involved in the metabolism of a number of exogenous and endogenous substances (i.e. ethanol, drugs and chemical carcinogens). Being polymorphic, CYP2E1 gene can give different xeno-metabolic capabilities in a population and it is well known that inadequate or no enzymatic deactivation of xenobiotics could induce an increased susceptibility to disease and cancer. In particular, one of the 5 -flanking region polymorphisms, able to differentiate CYP2E1 gene transcriptional activity, is caused by the appearance/disappearance of RsaI and PstI restriction sites, which generates two different alleles, namely *C1(Rsa+/Pst−) and *C2(Rsa−/Pst+) respective…