A. Brach Del Prever
The outcome of Wilms' tumor in infants. Italy 1970-79.
Thirty-four infants under 1 year of age with Wilms’ tumor were diagnosed and treated in 14 Italian pediatric oncology units during 1970-79. The 3-year survival rates decreased with higher group unilateral tumors: 95% in group I Wilms’ tumor, 75% in group II and 20% in group III. The survival rates for children with group I and II Wilms’ tumor were similar for those who were treated with surgery and chemotherapy and those who also received postoperative radiotherapy. During 1975-79 fewer patients with group I Wilms’ tumor received radiotherapy (1 of 11) than during 1970-74 (4 of 6, p < 0.05). All these children are alive at this writing.
Tratamiento del osteosarcoma localizado de las extremidades
En la década de los setenta, la introducción de la quimioterapia preoperatoria en el tratamiento del osteosarcoma proporcionó mejoras dramáticas en los resultados obtenidos a largo plazo, en cuanto a la supervivencia libre de enfermedad y los procedimientos de salvación de miembros. En el presente trabajo se describe la experiencia acumulada en el Instituto Rizzoli, con la aplicación de varios protocolos activados sucesivamente. Igualmente, se describen los distintos factores pronósticos, la necrosis inducida por quimioterapia, dosis/intensidad y niveles séricos de metotrexato. In the seventies, the introduction of preoperative chemotherapy in the treatment of osteosarcoma dramatically impr…