Joaquin Castello
A multi-agent system for obtaining dynamic origin/destination matrices on intelligent road networks
Dynamic Origin/Destination matrices are one of the most important parameters for efficient and effective transportation system management. These matrices describe the vehicle flow between different points inside a region of interest for a given period of time. Usually, dynamic O/D matrices are estimated from link traffic counts, home interview and/or license plate surveys. Unfortunately, estimation methods take O/D flows as time invariant for a certain number of intervals of time, which cannot be suitable for some traffic applications. However, the advent of information and communication technologies (e.g., vehicle-to-infrastructure dedicated short range communications — V2I) to the transpo…
Computing Real-Time Dynamic Origin/Destination Matrices from Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Messages Using a Multi-Agent System
Dynamic Origin/Destination matrices are one of the most important parameters for efficient and effective transportation system management. These matrices describe the vehicle flow between different points within a region of interest for a given period of time. Usually, dynamic O/D matrices are estimated from traffic counts provided by induction loop detectors, home interview and/or license plate surveys. Unfortunately, estimation methods take O/D flows as time invariant for a certain number of intervals of time, which cannot be suitable for some traffic applications. However, the advent of information and communication technologies (e.g., vehicle-to-infrastructure dedicated short range comm…