M. Leber

Focal-plane detector system for the KATRIN experiment

The focal-plane detector system for the KArlsruhe TRItium Neutrino (KATRIN) experiment consists of a multi-pixel silicon p-i-n-diode array, custom readout electronics, two superconducting solenoid magnets, an ultra high-vacuum system, a high-vacuum system, calibration and monitoring devices, a scintillating veto, and a custom data-acquisition system. It is designed to detect the low-energy electrons selected by the KATRIN main spectrometer. We describe the system and summarize its performance after its final installation.

research product

Improved Upper Limit on the Neutrino Mass from a Direct Kinematic Method by KATRIN

We report on the neutrino mass measurement result from the first four-week science run of the Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino experiment KATRIN in spring 2019. Beta-decay electrons from a high-purity gaseous molecular tritium source are energy analyzed by a high-resolution MAC-E filter. A fit of the integrated electron spectrum over a narrow interval around the kinematic end point at 18.57 keV gives an effective neutrino mass square value of (−1.0−1.1+0.9) eV2. From this, we derive an upper limit of 1.1 eV (90% confidence level) on the absolute mass scale of neutrinos. This value coincides with the KATRIN sensitivity. It improves upon previous mass limits from kinematic measurements by almost a …

research product

Penning discharge in the KATRIN pre-spectrometer

The KArlsruhe TRItium Neutrino (KATRIN) experiment is a next-generation, large-scale tritium β-decay experiment to determine the neutrino mass by investigating the kinematics of tritium β-decay with a sensitivity of 200 meV/c2 using the MAC-E filter technique. In order to reach this sensitivity a low background level of 10−2 counts per second (cps) is required. A major background concern in MAC-E filters is the presence of Penning traps. A Penning trap is a special configuration of electromagnetic fields that allows the storage of electrically charged particles. This paper describes the mechanism of Penning discharges and the corresponding measurements performed at the test setup of the KAT…

research product

Electron Radiated Power in Cyclotron Radiation Emission Spectroscopy Experiments

The recently developed technique of Cyclotron Radiation Emission Spectroscopy (CRES) uses frequency information from the cyclotron motion of an electron in a magnetic bottle to infer its kinetic energy. Here we derive the expected radio frequency signal from an electron in a waveguide CRES apparatus from first principles. We demonstrate that the frequency-domain signal is rich in information about the electron's kinematic parameters, and extract a set of measurables that in a suitably designed system are sufficient for disentangling the electron's kinetic energy from the rest of its kinematic features. This lays the groundwork for high-resolution energy measurements in future CRES experimen…

research product