Outcomes of in-bag transvaginal extraction in a series of 692 laparoscopic myomectomies: results from a large retrospective analysis
Transvaginal extraction is a feasible method to remove surgical specimen. In this study, we aim to report our experience with in-bag transvaginal specimen retrieval after laparoscopic myomectomy over the past 15 years.Single-center retrospective analysis.Academic hospital.Women who underwent laparoscopic myomectomy from January 2005 to April 2021.Posterior colpotomy and in-bag transvaginal extraction of the surgical specimen.We collected and analyzed data about patients' characteristics, main indication for surgery, and intra- and postoperative (within 30 days) complications.A total of 692 women underwent transvaginal specimen retrieval after laparoscopic myomectomy (mean largest myoma diam…