Altered (oxidized) C1q induces a rheumatoid arthritis-like destructive and chronic inflammation in joint structures in arthritis-susceptible rats.
Previous studies have identified an altered C1q molecule in synovial fluids from the joints of rheumatoid arthritis patients. We therefore immunized arthritis-susceptible Lewis 1A.AVN rats with either native C1q (C1q nat), altered (oxidized) C1q (C1q ox), or type II collagen (CII, induces arthritis in these animals), in order to induce arthritis. Unlike C1q nat, both CII and C1q ox were able to induce swelling and erythema of joints consistent with an arthritis-like inflammatory reaction. Histopathological evaluation of individual joint sections revealed synovitis, bursitis and tendovaginitis, massive joint destruction, and severe pannus formation. In a time-course study, no differences in …