Common Factors in Neurodegeneration: A Meta-Study Revealing Shared Patterns on a Multi-Omics Scale
Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer&rsquo
IntelliPy: a GUI for analyzing IntelliCage data
Abstract Summary The IntelliCage systems offer the possibility to conduct long-term behavioral experiments on mice in social groups without human intervention. Although this setup provides new findings, only about 150 studies with the IntelliCage system have been published in the last two decades, which is also caused by the challenging problems of processing and handling the large and heterogeneous amounts of captured data. This application note introduces the Python-GUI IntelliPy, especially designed for users not very experienced in using programming languages. IntelliPy allows users to quickly analyze the IntelliCage output in a user-friendly way, thus making the systems more accessible…