Cuong Manh Do
Three-dimensional object-distortion-tolerant recognition for integral imaging using independent component analysis
Independent component analysis (ICA) aims at extracting unknown components from multivariate data assuming that the underlying components are mutually independent. This technique has been successfully applied to the recognition and classification of objects. We present a method that combines the benefits of ICA and the ability of the integral imaging technique to obtain 3D information for the recognition of 3D objects with different orientations. Our recognition is also possible when the 3D objects are partially occluded by intermediate objects.
Automatic target recognition using 3D passive sensing and imaging with independent component analysis
We present an overview of a method using Independent Component Analysis (ICA) and 3D Integral Imaging (II) technique to recognize 3D objects at different orientations. This method has been successfully applied to the recognition and classification of 3D scenes.