Biological control of invasive stink bugs: review of global state and future prospects
International audience; Invasive stink bugs (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) are responsible for high economic losses to agricul-ture on a global scale. The most important species, dating from recent to old invasions, includeBagrada hilaris (Burmeister), Halyomorpha halys (Stal), Piezodorus guildinii (Westwood), Nezara vir-idula (L.), and Murgantia histrionica (Hahn). Bagrada hilaris, H. halys,andN. viridula are nowalmost globally distributed. Biological control of these pests faces a complex set of challenges thatmust be addressed to maintain pest populations below the economic injury level. Several case studiesof classical and conservation biological control of invasive stink bugs are reported …