Retropharyngeal abscess from fishbone in adult immunocompetent host presenting as acute thyroiditis
Retropharyngeal abscesses (RPA) are rare in adults. We report a case of a healthy adult with RPA presenting with clinical symptoms of acute thyroiditis. A 37-yr-old female presented with a painful mass in the anterior region of the neck, sore throat, mild fever and dysphagy for liquids and solids. Neck emergency US dis-closed normal thyroid ventrally displaced by a huge retropharyngeal hypoechoic mass. Direct laryngoscopy revealed erythema of the posterior pharyngeal wall with bulges (8 cm) preventing the correct visualization of the glottic plane. CT confirmed the pres-ence of retropharyngeal abscess and laryngoscopic drainage was performed. The pa-tient was discharged on 11th post-operati…