J. Morales

Anatomy of the "false thumb" of Tremarctos ornatus (Carnivora, Ursidae, Tremarctinae): Phylogenetic and functional implications

6 pages, 3 figures.

research product

Recommendations for a nomenclature system for reporting methylation aberrations in imprinted domains

The analysis of DNA methylation has become routine in the pipeline for diagnosis of imprinting disorders, with many publications reporting aberrant methylation associated with imprinted differentially methylated regions (DMRs). However, comparisons between these studies are routinely hampered by the lack of consistency in reporting sites of methylation evaluated. To avoid confusion surrounding nomenclature, special care is needed to communicate results accurately, especially between scientists and other health care professionals. Within the European Network for Human Congenital Imprinting Disorders we have discussed these issues and designed a nomenclature for naming imprinted DMRs as well …

research product

MCMC methods to approximate conditional predictive distributions

Sampling from conditional distributions is a problem often encountered in statistics when inferences are based on conditional distributions which are not of closed-form. Several Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms to simulate from them are proposed. Potential problems are pointed out and some suitable modifications are suggested. Approximations based on conditioning sets are also explored. The issues are illustrated within a specific statistical tool for Bayesian model checking, and compared in an example. An example in frequentist conditional testing is also given.

research product

The erector spinae plane block: a narrative review

Regional anesthesia and pain management have experienced advances in recent years, especially with the advent of fascial plane blocks. The erector spinae plane block is one of the newest techniques to be described. In the past two years, publications referring to ESP block have increased significantly. The objective of this review is to analyze the articles about ESP block that have been published to date. We performed a search in the main databases and identified 368 articles. After a selection of the relevant articles, 125 studies were found eligible and were included in the review. The ESP block is performed by depositing the local anesthetic in the fascial plane, deeper than the erector…

research product

Up-to-date Spanish continental Neogene synthesis and paleoclimatic interpretation

A synthesis of the Spanish continental Neogene is presented by designing an integrated correlative chart of the Neo" gen-e "succes"Siuns-ofthe "lberian-PeninsuIa-. -Ninemain-sedimentary-breaks-have-been -distinguished-in-most-of-the "basins. They are considered a valuable criteria for correlation as they occur in similar time intervals from basin to basin. The determined sedimentary breaks occur in the Agenian, Ramblian, Middle Aragonian, Late Aragonian, Late Vallesian, Middle Turolian, Late Turolian, Late Ruscinian-Early Villafranchian, and Villafranchian ages. The larger interior basins (Ebro, Tajo, Duero) show a fairly complete Neogene sedimentary record in which the aboye mentioned sedi…

research product

Las nuevas excavaciones (1995-2006) en el yacimiento del Mioceno final de Venta del Moro, Valencia

13 páginas, 5 figuras, 2 láminas, 1 tabla.

research product

La fauna del pleistoceno inferior de la Sierra de Quibas (Abanilla, Murcia)

El yacimiento kárstico cuaternario de la Sierra de Quibas (Abanilla, Murcia) ha proporcionado una amplia lista faunística constituida por 53 especies repartidas entre gasterópodos, miriápodos, anfibios, reptiles, aves y mamíferos. En el conjunto de los gasterópodos destaca Palaeoglandina, un género que se extingue en el resto de Europa durante el Plioceno y que se mantiene como relicto en el Pleistoceno de la Península Ibérica. Dos de las especies de aves determinadas, Gypaetus barbatus y Gerontieus eremita, y una de las serpientes, Elaphe cf. E. sealaris, apenas se hallan representadas en el registro fósil. Hay además varias especies de aves cuya aparición en Quibas supone la primera cita …

research product