Zerbo S.
Forensic Microbiology: A Case Series Analysis
The importance of microbial colonization of human organs in a living body has long been assessed. What still remains unclear are the microbial changes occurring after death, thus leading to the advent of a relatively novel field of research called “Postmortem microbiology”. It is applied to several forensic fields such as post-mortem interval assessment and cause of death determination. In this contest, a major limit is thus represented by the correct interpretation of the microbial data and by the actual lack of standard procedures. Here we propose a standard operative protocol in order to avoid false positives given by contamination (the main problem), post-mortem translocation and agonal…
Male violence against women: Integration between psychological and neuroscientific data and their use in forensic evaluation for the judgments
Human growth and development, starting from conception, are characterized by a progressive increase in body and organ dimensions, as well as specific functional maturity, under the influence of genetic as well as environmental and epigenetic determinants. Beyond a possible normal familial trait, increased fetal growth resulting in a large for gestational age newborn, isolated macrosomia or that associated with congenital malformation, can be attributable to both maternal metabolic and genetic pathology. Overgrowth syndromes are a heterogeneous group of diseases characterized by excessive tissue development often concomitant to neurodevelopmental involvement. Recently, an increased risk of f…