L. Strohmenger
Microbial environmental contamination in Italian dental clinics: A multicenter study yielding recommendations for standardized sampling methods and threshold values.
A microbiological environmental investigation was carried out in ten dental clinics in Italy. Microbial contamination of water, air and surfaces was assessed in each clinic during the five working days, for one week per month, for a three-month period. Water and surfaces were sampled before and after clinical activity; air was sampled before, after, and during clinical activity. A wide variation was found in microbial environmental contamination, both within the participating clinics and for the different sampling times. Before clinical activity, microbial water contamination in tap water reached 51,200cfu/mL (colony forming units per milliliter), and that in Dental Unit Water Systems (DUWS…
Indagine multicentrica sull’igiene orale di studenti universitari
Odontoiatria preventiva integrata
Odontoiatria Preventiva Integrata fornisce una risorsa di facile uso che unisce informazioni di base scientifica e di pratica clinica in tutti gli aspetti dell'odontoiatria preventiva. Questa risorsa di carattere onnicomprensivo offre tecniche e strategie per mantenere nei pazienti una eccellente igiene orale, attraverso un sistema di misure preventive. Odontoiatria Preventiva Integrata è fondato su una filosofia incentrata sul paziente, preventiva e minimamente invasiva. La prima parte del libro analizza patologie individuali, come carie, malattia parodontale e cancro orale, così come le terapie (sigillanti, fluoro) e altre condizioni rilevanti (usura dentale, ipersensibilità). Oltre a ciò…
Odontoiatria di Comunità: Criteri di appropriatezza clinica, tecnologica e strutturale
Supplementary Material for: Italian Deprivation Index and Dental Caries in 12-Year-Old Children: A Multilevel Bayesian Analysis
Evidence from the literature has shown that people with a lower socioeconomic status enjoy less good health than people with a higher socioeconomic status. The Italian deprivation index (DI) was used with the aim to evaluate the association between the DMFT index and risk factors for dental caries, including city population and DI. The study included 4,305 12-year-old children living in 38 cities classified by demographic size as small, midsize and large. Zero-inflated negative binomial multilevel regression models were used to assess risk factors for DMFT and to address excess of zero DMFT and overdispersion through a Bayesian approach. The difference in the average level of DMFT among chi…