Aline Boursault
Preliminary study of the aggregative behaviour of Scaphoideus titanus larvae
International audience
Characterization of trophic links in an agrosystem : weed seed predation by carabid beetles
Agroecology gives evidence of new perspectives in agriculture, and open doors for alternative weed management approaches through different regulation mechanisms. Seed predation is one of them, and the interest is growing to deepen knowledge, relative to this process. This Phd work aims (i) to describe weed seed predation, the dominant carabid predators and the available resource at a local scale in a common crop (winter wheat); (ii) to study predation profiles of main predators, and the pair-wise correlations between the biological components of the system; (iii) to bring new insights regarding potential regulation of weed communities, through seed predation by carabid beetles. Complementar…
La prédation des graines d'adventices par les carabiques
National audience
Arable weeds in agricultural landscapes: new paradigms and emerging challenges
National audience