Lydie Chapuis-lardy
Direct seeding mulch-based cropping increases both the activity and the abundance of denitrifier communities in a tropical soil
International audience; This study evaluated the impact of direct seeding mulch-based cropping (DMC), as an alternative to conventional tilling (CT), on a functional community involved in N cycling and emission of greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O). The study was carried out for annual soybean/rice crop rotation in the Highlands of Madagascar. The differences between the two soil management strategies (direct seeding with mulched crop residues versus tillage without incorporation of crop residues) were studied along a fertilization gradient (no fertilizer, organic fertilizer, organic plus mineral fertilizers). The activity and size of the denitrifier community were determined by denitrifica…
Changement d'usage des terres et fonctionnement microbien : le cas du semis direct sous couverture végétale à Madagascar
National audience
How agricultural practices affect the different bacterial communities involved in the denitrification process: the case of direct seeding in Madagascar
International audience
La faune du sol tropicale, un facteur de régulation des communautés bactériennes liées aux émissions de gaz à effet de serre
Is soil fauna an important driver of the structure and activities of denitrifier communities in tropical soils?
International audience
Impact of fertilization and direct seeding on activity and abundance of key denitrifier communities in a tropical soil
Affiche, résumé; The aim of this work was to investigate to which extent different practices impacted on the bacterial communities involved in N2O emission.