M. Portilla
Post-post-Newtonian effects on a clean nearly-Newtonian binary
Etude du taux de changement temporel moyen de l'energie newtonienne et du moment d'une binaire presque newtonienne, ponctuelle. On trouve qu'il faut ajouter quelques termes post-post newtoniens non seculaires aux flux radiatifs seculaires standards. Les termes post-post newtoniens tendent vers zero pour l'observateur du centre de masse newtonien dans le cas de l'energie mais pas dans le cas du moment. Du fait de la longue periode de ces termes ils sont observationnellement significatifs, c'est-a-dire qu'ils vont apparaitre comme s'ils etaient des effets seculaires
Distance of matter inside an Einstein-Strauss vacuole
Effect of a non null pressure on the evolution of perturbations in the matter dominated epoch
We analyze the effect of pressure on the evolution of perturbations of an Einstein-de Sitter Universe in the matter dominated epoch assuming an ideal gas equation of state. For the sake of simplicity the temperature is considered uniform. The goal of the paper is to examine the validity of the linear approximation. With this purpose the evolution equations are developed including quadratic terms in the derivatives of the metric perturbations and using coordinate conditions that, in the linear case, reduce to the longitudinal gauge. We obtain the general solution, in the coordinate space, of the evolution equation for the scalar mode, and, in the case of spherical symmetry, we express this s…
Radiation forces and the formation of planetary systems
We briefly support on some new results about the influence of the rotation and finite size of a stellar radiation source on dust particle orbits, emphasizing the possibility of stable orbits, in the equatorial plane, for dust sizes near the radiation pressure limit.
An idealized mechanism for the orbital migration of protoplanets
We report here how the action of radiation forces on small solid particles in a circumstellar disc could induce a suitable mechanism for orbital migration of protoplanets. The ratio of radiation-to-gravitational forces acting on a particle depends on its physical and chemical properties. As a consequence of this fact, we show that different particles following the same trajectory would move with different velocities. Sufficiently large bodies, insensitive to radiation forces, would accrete dust particles that are moving more slowly, thus spiralling towards the central star and transporting mass and angular momentum from the outer to the inner parts of the circumstellar disc. In the case of …