Biofiltration System for Purification of Composting Waste Gases
The biofiltration technique for the purification of polluted air from composting facility volatile compounds was studied. Two different biowaste composting techniques were compared with regard to emission of NH3 and H2S. The ammonia removal was observed in aerobic phase of active composting period, respectively H2S in anaerobic phase. Biofiltration process was realized in modified solid- state fermentation system (SSF). The biodegradation of volatile compounds was investigated in one and two stage systems with inert packing material and hemoautotrofic microorganisms designed DN-1 (Pseudomonas sp.), DN-2 (Nitrisomonas sp.), DN-3 (Nitrobacter sp.) and DN-13 (Sarcina sp.) and Thiopharus-3. The…