Joaquim Prades

Obtaining sigma --> gamma gamma Width from Nucleon Polarizabilities

We propose a new method that fixes the coupling to two photons of the recently found lightest QCD resonance, the sigma. This coupling provides crucial information for discriminating the yet unknown nature of this special state. Our method uses available data on the nucleon polarizabilities together with analyticity and unitarity. Taking into account all the uncertainties, our result is Gamma_{pole}= 1.2 +- 0.4 keV.

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Chiral low-energy constants from tau data

9 páginas, 2 figuras, 2 tablas.-- Comunicación presentada en el 6º International Workshop on Chiral Dynamics, celebrado del 6 al 10 de Julio de 2009 en Bern (Suiza).

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Electromagnetic Corrections for Pions and Kaons : Masses and Polarizabilities

The unknown constants in Chiral Perturbation Theory needed for an all orders analysis of the polarizabilities and electromagnetic corrections to the masses of the pseudo-Goldstone bosons are estimated at leading order in $1/N_c$. We organize the calculation in an $1/N_c$-expansion and separate long- and short-distance physics contributions by introducing an Euclidean cut-off. The long-distance part is evaluated using the ENJL model and the short-distance part using perturbative QCD and factorization. We obtain very good matching between both. We then include these estimates in a full Chiral Perturbation Theory calculation to order $e^2$ $p^2$ for the masses and $p^6$ for the polarizabilitie…

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Pinched weights and duality violation in QCD sum rules: A critical analysis

We analyze the so-called pinched weights, that are generally thought to reduce the violation of quarkhadron duality in finite-energy sum rules. After showing how this is not true in general, we explain how to address this question for the left-right correlator and any particular pinched weight, taking advantage of our previous work [1], where the possible high-energy behavior of the left-right spectral function was studied. In particular, we show that the use of pinched weights allows to determine with high accuracy the dimension six and eight contributions in the operator-product expansion, O-6 = (-4.3(-0.7)(+0.9)) x 10(-3) GeV6 and O-8 = (-7.2(-5.3)(+4.2)) x 10(-3) GeV8.

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Tau-decay determination of the strange quark mass

6 páginas, 3 tablas.-- Comunicación presentada al QCD 99 Euroconference celebrado en Julio de 1999 en Montpellier (Francia).-- arXiv:hep-ph/9909559v1

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The sigma --> gamma gamma Width from Nucleon Electromagnetic Polarizabilities

The lightest QCD resonance, the sigma, has been recently fixed in the pi-pi scattering amplitude. The nature of this state remains nowadays one of the most intriguing and difficult issues in particle physics. Its coupling to photons is crucial to discriminate its structure. We propose a new method that fixes this coupling using only available precise experimental data on the proton electromagnetic polarizabilities together with analyticity and unitarity. Taking into account the uncertainties in the analysis and in the parameter values, our result is Gamma_{pole}(sigma -> gamma gamma) = (1.2 +- 0.4) KeV.

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From Hadronic τ Decays to the Chiral Couplings and

A sum rule analysis of the hadronic τ -decay data can be used to determine the low-energy constants L 10 r ( μ ) and C 87 r ( μ ) . These constants are QCD chiral-order parameters, which appear at order p 4 and p 6 , respectively, in the chiral perturbation theory expansion of the V − A correlator. At order p 4 we obtain L 10 r ( M ρ ) = − ( 5.22 ± 0.06 ) ⋅ 10 − 3 . Including in the analysis the order p 6 contributions, we get L 10 r ( M ρ ) = − ( 4.06 ± 0.39 ) ⋅ 10 − 3 and C 87 r ( M ρ ) = ( 4.89 ± 0.19 ) ⋅ 10 − 3 GeV − 2 .

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Bounds on a light scalar in two-Higgs-doublet models

22 páginas, 4 figuras.

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Strange Quark Mass Determination from Cabibbo-Suppressed Tau Decays

29 páginas, 10 tablas.-- arXiv:hep-ph/9909244v1

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Determination of the Chiral Couplings L10 and C87 from Semileptonic τ Decays

Using recent precise hadronic tau-decay data on the V-A spectral function, and general properties of QCD such as analyticity, the operator product expansion and chiral perturbation theory, we get accurate values for the QCD chiral order parameters L_10^r(M_rho) and C_87^r(M_rho). These two low-energy constants appear at order p^4 and p^6, respectively, in the chiral perturbation theory expansion of the V-A correlator. At order p^4 we obtain L_10^r(M_rho) = -(5.22\pm 0.06)10^{-3}. Including in the analysis the two-loop (order p^6) contributions, we get L_10^r(M_rho) = -(4.06\pm 0.39)10^{-3} and C_87^r(M_rho) = (4.89\pm 0.19)10^{-3}GeV^{-2}. In the SU(2) chiral effective theory, the correspon…

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Violation of quark-hadron duality and spectral chiral moments in QCD

We analyze the spectral moments of the V - A two-point correlation function. Using all known short-distance constraints and the most recent experimental data from tau decays, we determine the lowest spectral moments, trying to assess the uncertainties associated with the so-called violations of quark-hadron duality. We have generated a large number of acceptable spectral functions, satisfying all conditions, and have used them to extract the wanted hadronic parameters through a careful statistical analysis. We obtain accurate values for the chi PT couplings L-10 and C-87, and a realistic determination of the dimension six and eight contributions in the operator product expansion, O-6 = (-5.…

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Chiral low-energy constants L10 and C87 from hadronic τ decays

4 páginas, 1 figura.-- Comunicación presentada a la 14ª High-Energy Physics International Conference On Quantum ChromoDynamics (QCD), celebrada en Julio de 2008 en Montpellier (Francia).-- arXiv:0810.2459v2.

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Duality violation in QCD Sum Rules with the LR correlator

5 páginas, 4 figuras.-- Dedicated to the memory of our colleague and friend Joaquim (Ximo) Prades.-- Talk given at the 15th International QCD Conference (Montpellier, 28th June - 3rd July 2010) and the Internation Light Cone 2010 Conference (Valencia, 14-18th June 2010).-- arXiv:1010.1219v1.

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Strange quark mass from the invariant mass distribution of Cabibbo-suppressed tau decays

8 páginas, 4 figuras, 4 tablas.-- arXiv:hep-ph/0105253v1

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Physics with the KLOE-2 experiment at the upgraded DAFNE

Investigation at a $\phi$--factory can shed light on several debated issues in particle physics. We discuss: i) recent theoretical development and experimental progress in kaon physics relevant for the Standard Model tests in the flavor sector, ii) the sensitivity we can reach in probing CPT and Quantum Mechanics from time evolution of entangled kaon states, iii) the interest for improving on the present measurements of non-leptonic and radiative decays of kaons and eta/eta$^\prime$ mesons, iv) the contribution to understand the nature of light scalar mesons, and v) the opportunity to search for narrow di-lepton resonances suggested by recent models proposing a hidden dark-matter sector. We…

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Updating the unitarity triangle: top-quark mass versus nonperturbative uncertainties

13 páginas, 3 figuras, 4 tablas.-- arXiv:hep-ph/9407226v1

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Strange quark mass from τ decays

7 páginas, 3 figuras, 3 tablas.-- Comunicación presentada en el 6º International Workshop on Tau Lepton Physics (Tau00) celebrado del 18 al 21 de Septiembre de 2000 en Victoria (Canada).

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Constraints on theWRmass andCPviolation in left-right models

We update the constraints on the right-handed W{sub R} gauge boson mass, mixing angle {zeta} with the left-handed W{sub L} gauge boson, and other parameters in general left-right symmetric models with different mechanisms of CP violation. Constraints mostly independent of any assumption on the quark sector are obtained from a reanalysis of muon decay data. The best {chi}{sup 2} fit of the data gives g{sub R}/g{sub L}=0.94{plus_minus}0.09 for the ratio of right to left gauge couplings, with M{sub W{sub R}}{ge}485 GeV and {vert_bar}{zeta}{vert_bar}{le}0.0327. Fixing g{sub L}=g{sub R} (in particular for manifestly left-right symmetric models), we obtain M{sub W{sub R}}{approx_gt}549 GeV and {v…

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Perturbative quark mass corrections to the tau hadronic width

15 páginas, 3 figuras, 2 tablas.-- arXiv:hep-ph/9804462v1

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and from hadronic tau decays

5 paginas.-- Comunicacion presentada al 9o International Workshop on Tau Lepton Physics (TAU06) celebrado del 19 al 22 de Septiembre en Pisa (Italia).-- arXiv:hep-ph/0612154v1

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σ→γγWidth from Nucleon Electromagnetic Polarizabilities

The lightest QCD resonance, the $\ensuremath{\sigma}$, has been recently fixed in the $\ensuremath{\pi}\ensuremath{\pi}$ scattering amplitude. The nature of this state remains nowadays one of the most intriguing and difficult issues in particle physics. Its coupling to photons is crucial for discriminating its structure. We propose a new method that fixes this coupling using only available precise experimental data on the proton electromagnetic polarizabilities together with analyticity and unitarity. By taking into account the uncertainties in the analysis and in the parameter values, our result is ${\ensuremath{\Gamma}}_{\mathrm{pole}}(\ensuremath{\sigma}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}\ensuremat…

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The decay η → π0h0 in two-higgs-doublet models

The possibility of a light scalar in the framework of two-Higgs-doublet models is studied. The range of masses 100 MeV < mh0 < 2mπ is already excluded by present experiment bounds on the transition η → π0h0 in the model where the neutral component of one doublet couples to fermions with weak isospin T3 = −12 and the neutral component of the second doublet to fermions with T3 = +12. These bounds also constrain tightly the structure of the Yukawa couplings in two-Higgs-doublet models.

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Charged Kaon CP Violating Asymmetries vs

We present the next-to-leading order full results in Chiral Pertubation Theory for the charged Kaon K → 3 π slope g CP violating asymmetries. We discuss the constraints that a measurement of these asymmetries would impose on the Standard Model results of e K ′ and search for new physics. We also study the kind of information that such measurement can provide on Im G 8 , Im ( e 2 G E ) and higher order weak couplings.

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Determination of the chiral couplingsL10andC87from semileptonicτdecays

Using recent precise hadronic {tau}-decay data on the V-A spectral function, and general properties of QCD such as analyticity, the operator product expansion, and chiral perturbation theory, we get accurate values for the QCD chiral order parameters L{sub 10}{sup r}(M{sub {rho}}) and C{sub 87}{sup r}(M{sub {rho}}). These two low-energy constants appear at order p{sup 4} and p{sup 6}, respectively, in the chiral perturbation theory expansion of the V-A correlator. At order p{sup 4} we obtain L{sub 10}{sup r}(M{sub {rho}})=-(5.22{+-}0.06)x10{sup -3}. Including in the analysis the two-loop (order p{sup 6}) contributions, we get L{sub 10}{sup r}(M{sub {rho}})=-(4.06{+-}0.39)x10{sup -3} and C{s…

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V-us and m(s) from hadronic tau decays

Recent progress in the determination of |V_us| employing strange hadronic tau-decay data are reported. This includes using the recent OPAL update of the strange spectral function, as well as augmenting the dimension-two perturbative contribution with the recently calculated order alpha_s^3 term on the theory side. These updates result in |V_us| = 0.2220 +- 0.0033, with the uncertainty presently being dominated by experiment, and already being competitive with the standard extraction from K_e3 decays and other new proposals to determine |V_us|. In view of the ongoing work to analyse tau-decay data at the B-factories BaBar and Belle, as well as future results from BESIII, the error on |V_us| …

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Kaon Polarizabilities in Chiral Perturbation Theory

We study the kaon polarizabilities in the framework of Chiral Perturbation Theory to order $p^4$. For the neutral kaon we find that them vanish and they have the first non-zero contribution to order $p^6$. We also emphasize the theoretical potential of an eventual measuremnet of the kaon polarizabilities, in particular of the neutral kaon ones.

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Vusandmsfrom HadronicτDecays

Recent experimental results on hadronic $\ensuremath{\tau}$ decays into strange particles by the OPAL Collaboration are employed to determine ${V}_{us}$ and ${m}_{s}$ from moments of the invariant mass distribution. Our results are ${V}_{us}=0.2208\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}0.0034$ and ${m}_{s}(2\text{ }\text{ }\mathrm{G}\mathrm{e}\mathrm{V})=81\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}22\text{ }\text{ }\mathrm{M}\mathrm{e}\mathrm{V}$. The error on ${V}_{us}$ is dominated by experiment and should be improvable in the future. Nevertheless, already now our result is competitive with the standard extraction of ${V}_{us}$ from ${K}_{e3}$ decays, and it is compatible with unitarity.

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