P.r. Turner
Silicon detectors for forward tracking in ATLAS
Abstract A 12 cm long silicon microstrip detector module with a fan geometry has been designed and constructed. The performance of the detector has been studied in a test beam at CERN. Results are presented on the hit efficiency and the position resolution as a function of position along the strips. With a hit efficiency of 99.5% and a spatial resolution of typically 35 μm the performance of these detectors exceeds that of other candidate technologies for the precision forward tracker of the ATLAS inner detector.
ATLAS beam test results
Many different configurations of electronics and-semiconductor strip detectors were studied in 1995 using the ATLAS tracking detector test area at the H8 beam-line of the CERN SPS. A significant fraction of these investigations are presented elsewhere in this volume and this paper will concentrate on the results with silicon strip detectors read out with electronics preserving the pulse height information. Data has been collected with the ADAM, APV5 and FElix read-out chips on a number of different detectors. The first results are presented for read out with LHC electronics of detectors to the ATLAS-A specification of 112.5 mu m pitch, employing n-strips in n-type silicon, capacitive coupli…