Irēna Krūma
Effect of Lignin-Containing Media on Growth of Medicinal Mushroom Lentinula Edodes
Abstract The effect of lignocellulose and lignin on growth of mycelium of mushroom Lentinula edodes and laccase activity in cultivation medium was studied. It was shown that cultivation of L. edodes mycelium in liquid nutrient medium with addition of 0.25-0.5% of kraft lignin increased mycelium biomass yield approximately two times compared with reference conditions without addition of lignin. Similar results were obtained in experiments in which 0.5% lignocellulose that remained after obtaining furfural, and 0.5% lignin that remained after obtaining furfural and glucose from wheat straw, were added to the nutrient medium. This effect was greater in the conditions of cultivation with good a…
Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Lignocellulose for Bioethanol Production
Abstract The effect of temperature, time and amount of enzyme on hydrolysis of wheat straw lignocellulose remaining after furfural production was studied. The residual substrate was subjected to enzymatic hydrolysis at different temperatures — 45 °C, 50 °C and 55 °C. Hydrolysis time was 72 hours, and samples were taken every 24 hours. The maximum glucose yield (76.5% of the theoretically possible) was reached when hydrolysis temperature 50 °C was used. The production rate of glucose increased with a hydrolysis period of time. The yield of glucose significantly depended on the ratio of enzyme to substrate.