Iiris Kolunsarka
Developmental associations of actual motor competence and perceived physical competence with health-related fitness in schoolchildren over a four-year follow-up
The developmental associations between actual motor competence (MC), perceived physical competence (PC), and health-related fitness (HRF) in schoolchildren were investigated over a four-year period. Participants were 1147 (girls 582, boys 565) schoolchildren aged between 11 to 13 years (M = 11.27 ± 0.33 years) in the beginning of the study. Data were collected at five time points in 2017–2021. MC was measured with three product-oriented (i.e., outcome of the movement) motor competence skill tests: side-to-side jump, five-leaps, and throw-catch. PC was assessed with the Physical Self-Perception Profile. HRF was assessed with the 20m shuttle run, curl-up, and push-up tests. The random interce…
Development of Children’s Actual and Perceived Motor Competence, Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Physical Activity, and BMI
Purpose To examine synergistic associations between developmental trajectories of motor competence, perceived motor competence, cardiorespiratory fitness, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA), and body mass index (BMI) from late childhood to adolescence. Methods In this 3-yr follow-up study, motor competence, perceived motor competence, cardiorespiratory fitness, MVPA, and BMI were assessed in 1167 Finnish school-age children (girls = 583, boys = 565; Mage = 11.27 ± 0.33). Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity was measured using hip-mounted accelerometers. Developmental trajectories were analyzed using latent growth curve modeling. Results The development of motor competence, card…
Lihaksen laadun, kehon koostumuksen ja maksimivoiman muutokset voimaharjoittelussa
Lihaksen laatu on alkanut saada kasvavaa huomiota, sillä sen on havaittu vaikuttavan terveyteen ja suorituskykyyn. Lihaksen laadulla tarkoitetaan lihaksen sisäisen rasvan ja sidekudoksen määrää. Heikon lihaksen laadun on todettu vaikuttavan heikentävästi suorituskykyyn, sekä olevan yhteydessä korkeampaan rasvaprosenttiin. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää rasvaprosentin ja lihaksen laadun yhteyttä, sekä voimaharjoittelun vaikutusta lihaksen laatuun, rasvaprosenttiin ja maksimivoimaan. Menetelmät. Tutkimus toteutettiin syksyllä 2016 ja koehenkilöinä oli vähintään kahden vuoden voimaharjoittelutaustan omaavia miehiä (n=14). Tutkimus tehtiin osana isompaa tutkimusta, jossa vertailt…
Actual and Perceived Motor Competence, Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Physical Activity, and Weight Status in Schoolchildren : Latent Profile and Transition Analyses
Engagement in physical activity plays a central role in the prevention and treatment of childhood overweight/obesity. However, some children may lack the skills and confidence to be physically active. This 3-year follow-up study aimed to form profiles based on cardiorespiratory fitness, actual motor competence, perceived motor competence, physical activity, and weight status, and to examine if these profiles remain stable from late childhood to early adolescence. All these variables were annually assessed in 1,162 Finnish schoolchildren (girls = 583 and boys = 564, Mage = 11.27 ± 0.32 years). Latent profile analysis was used to identify profiles and latent transition analysis to examine the…
Developmental associations of accelerometer measured moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and sedentary time with cardiorespiratory fitness in schoolchildren
Objectives This study examined the developmental associations of accelerometer-based moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and sedentary time (ST) with cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) in schoolchildren. Design A three-year follow-up study. Methods Participants were 446 (girls 57 %) Finnish children (M = 11.26 ± 0.32 years) from 17 randomly selected public schools in Finland. Accelerometer-based MVPA and ST were assessed using waist-worn activity monitors and CRF using the 20 m shuttle run test at four measurement points from 2017 to 2020. The developmental associations were tested using the Random Intercept Cross-Lagged Panel Model (RI-CLPM) reflecting MVPA, CRF, and ST overall leve…