Marius Johnsen

“As Many as Possible for as Long as Possible”—A Case Study of a Soccer Team That Fosters Multiple Outcomes

The personal assets framework suggests that dynamic elements of (a) personal engagement in activities, (b) quality social dynamics, and (c) appropriate settings will influence an athlete’s long-term outcomes of performance, personal development, and continued participation in sport. The aim of the present study was to conduct a case study of a Norwegian age-restricted team that was successful in promoting participation, performance, and positive development for individual participants and to investigate how the dynamic elements of activities, social dynamics, and settings have led to these long-term outcomes. The results indicated that the case is a best-practice example of successful attai…

research product

«Flest mulig, lengst mulig, best mulig» : En kvalitativ studie av trenere, spillere og foreldre som har hatt tilknytning til Bryne Fotballklubb G99

Masteroppgave idrettsvitenskap ME517 - Universitetet i Agder 2019 Sports participation has for many led to positive youth development, while many want to be as good as possible in their sport. The purpose of this study is to investigate a soccer environment for boys whichhassucceeded in keeping children and young people active in the sport for a long time, and at the same timemany of the athletes have developed such good skills that they have reached the elite level.The study is a case study of a football team consisting of a cohort born in 1999 that has played in the football club Bryne, in the southwestofNorway. Ten people who have been associated with the environment have been interviewe…

research product