Davide Emmolo
Applicazioni fotogrammetriche su superfici a semplice e doppia curvatura
Radiometric and geometric evaluation of the capabilities of the new airborne digital photogrammetric sensors
In this paper the theoretic and practical points of view about the applications of the modern digital airborne sensors in the photogrammetry and remote sensing fields are described. The first part of the paper describes the theoretic matter, the second one shows the first results regarding the carried out elaborations on an image of Palermo acquired by digital airborne sensor LH System ADS40. Besides the research has examined most of sides regarding the trilinear sensor and it has highlighted the capabilities and limitations respect to the traditional analogical system and the matricial CCD sensor.
Evaluation of capabilities of fuzzy logic classification of different kind of data
In this paper, in order to evaluate the capability of several data, acquired by different sensors, some object-oriented classification tests have been carried out. In particular, the results obtained with two RGB ortophotos, acquired with traditional methodology, have been compared with the ones obtained with two QuickBird images and with the ones obtained by ADS40 pushbroom sensor. The object classification is based on two next steps: The classification to objects is based on two next steps: the decomposition of the whole image in dimension objects bigger than the pixel, procedure called segmentation, and the next classification with Fuzzy logic. This approach provides more reliable result…
Sperimentazioni di tecniche 3D per il rilevamento di beni culturali
GPS/INS Systems for compilation of digital large-scale orthophotos
The paper describes the first results of a study, supported by an Italian research project “Integrated Inertial Positioning Systems in Aerial Photogrammetry” on the potential use of these techniques for production of digital large scale orthophotos. The study has been done with aerial photographs collected from two different flights executed in Sicily: the former, relating to the city of Palermo, at average scale of 1:9300; the latter, over the city of Catania, at average scale of 1:2000. For both flights the orthorectification was carried out by direct georeferencing methods and by traditional photogrammetric techniques, using ground control points surveyed by means GPS techniques and aeri…
Digital orthophotos at a scale of 1:5000 from high resolution satellite images
This paper describes the first results of a study, carried out within the national research program “Cofin2001”, on the potential use of high resolution satellite images for making digital orthophotos at a scale of 1:5000 and 1:10,000. Particularly, images from IKONOS II and QuickBird of four different types of areas were employed: the first area is the city of Palermo, a greatly urbanized area; the second area is the extra-urban territory near the town of Contessa Entellina in south-western Sicily; the third area is the famous tourist resort of Scopello, in the western Sicily; the last area is the Caselle Airport, a flat zone near Torino. The first three images were orthorectified by using…
Classificazione avanzata di immagini digitali: dalla pellicola ai nuovi sensori digitali aviotrasportati
Verifiche metriche e qualitative di immagini satellitari Ikonos
3D Techniques for the survey of cultural heritage
Uso di immagini QuickBird Standard per le analisi territoriali
Il rilievo delle superfici curve della Cappella Palatina di Palermo
Immagini satellitari Ikonos per l’aggiornamento di cartografia tecnica regionale
Applicazioni fotogrammetriche su superfici a doppia curvatura
Il rilievo e la rappresentazione delle superfici curve della Cappella Palatina di Palermo
L’evoluzione delle tecniche di rilevamento negli ultimi quindici anni. Il globo celeste di Mattheus Greuter
Un primo rilevamento del globo celeste di Mattheus Greuter è stato effettuato dallo scrivente nel 1994 con l’impiego di tecniche topografiche e fotogrammetriche tradizionali, prima delle operazioni di restauro che hanno restituito al mappamondo il suo aspetto originario. Nel mese di giugno di quest’anno è stato eseguito un secondo rilevamento con l’impiego delle tecniche più recenti (laser scanning, fotogrammetria digitale). Il confronto fra i due rilevamenti fornisce interessanti indicazioni per valutare l’evoluzione delle tecniche in questi quindici anni.