Julián Librero

Unemployment and health in Spain

We present the results of a study on the association between unemployment and health and the use of health services, exploring the influence of the socio-economic environment on these relationships. With this aim, data from the Spanish National Health Survey (SNHS) were used. Health was measured by subjective health status, presence of chronic illnesses and psychological symptoms. The use of health services was measured by drug consumption (over the counter and/or prescribed drugs), doctor consultation, hospital admission and casualty attendance. A total of 13,344 individuals aged between 16 and 65 years were included. Results were analysed for all of Spain and for 3 regions with different …

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Caracterización de la suplementación de folatos en el embarazo a partir de la combinación de sistemas de información sanitaria.

ResumenObjetivosExplorar la utilidad de la combinación de los sistemas de información sanitaria de la Agencia Valenciana de Salud (AVS) para caracterizar la suplementación de folatos en la población de embarazadas de la Comunidad Valenciana.MétodosCohorte de todas las mujeres que parieron en hospitales de la AVS durante 2009, que fueron seguidas retrospectivamente en la historia clínica electrónica ABUCASIS y el sistema GAIA de gestión de la prescripción para identificar el consumo de folatos en los 3 meses previos y posteriores a la concepción.ResultadosDe los 38.069 partos realizados en 2009 en hospitales de la AVS, 37.040 (97,3%) pudieron incluirse en los análisis. Un 34,0% de las mujere…

research product

Meta-analysis and systematic review of the effect of the donor and recipient CYP3A5 6986A>G genotype on tacrolimus dose requirements in liver transplantation

Objective A meta-analysis was carried out of publishedstudies on the effect of the CYP3A5 6986A>Gpolymorphism in liver donors and transplant recipientson tacrolimus pharmacokinetics.Methods Cohort studies that evaluated the relationshipbetween the CYP3A5 polymorphism in liver donors andtransplant recipients and tacrolimus, trough bloodconcentration normalized for the daily dose (C) perkilogram body weight (D) (C/D, ng/ml/mg/kg/day) up to1 year after transplantation, were included. Data were notrestricted by patient age or the language or journal ofpublication. A literature search was conducted using theCochrane Library, MEDLINE, EMBASE, and grey literature,and articles published up to 24 Ap…

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Intraoperative positive end-expiratory pressure and postoperative pulmonary complications: a patient-level meta-analysis of three randomised clinical trials

BACKGROUND: High intraoperative PEEP with recruitment manoeuvres may improve perioperative outcomes. We re-examined this question by conducting a patient-level meta-analysis of three clinical trials in adult patients at increased risk for postoperative pulmonary complications who underwent non-cardiothoracic and non-neurological surgery. METHODS: The three trials enrolled patients at 128 hospitals in 24 countries from February 2011 to February 2018. All patients received volume-controlled ventilation with low tidal volume. Analyses were performed using one-stage, two-level, mixed modelling (site as a random effect; trial as a fixed effect). The primary outcome was a composite of postoperati…

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Variabilidad en la utilización de antihipertensivos entre las zonas básicas de salud de la Comunidad Valenciana

ResumenObjetivosEstimar el consumo de cinco subgrupos terapéuticos empleados en el tratamiento de la hipertensión arterial en las zonas básicas de salud (ZBS) de la Comunidad Valenciana, y analizar sus variaciones.MétodosEstudio ecológico, descriptivo, del consumo de antihipertensivos en las ZBS de la Comunidad Valenciana en el año 2005, seguido de análisis de la variabilidad observada. Se estudiaron las 239 ZBS existentes mediante un análisis descriptivo de consumo (dosis diarias definidas [DDD] por 1.000 habitantes y día en pensionistas [DDD/1.000p/día] o activos [DDD/1.000a/día]) y razones estandarizadas de utilización. Para el análisis de la variabilidad se utilizaron los estadísticos d…

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Cirugía de liberación del túnel carpiano: variabilidad e impacto de la cirugía ambulatoria en la Comunidad Valenciana

Objective: This study aimed to analyze variability in rates of carpal tunnel release surgery among the healthcare areas of the autonomous region of Valencia, and to evaluate the contribution of ambulatory surgery and referrals to private hospitals to the variability found. Methods: We carried out a cross-sectional, population-based study, describing the rates of carpal tunnel release surgery, standardized by age and sex, among areas in the region of Valencia in 2006. The observed variation was then analyzed using small-area analysis methods. Data from hospital admissions, referrals to private hospitals, population statistics and hospital resources were used to construct standardized rates, …

research product

Carpal tunnel release surgery: small-area variation and impact of ambulatory surgery in the autonomous region of Valencia, Spain

Objective: This study aimed to analyze variability in rates of carpal tunnel release surgery among the healthcare areas of the autonomous region of Valencia, and to evaluate the contribution of ambulatory surgery and referrals to private hospitals to the variability found. Methods: We carried out a cross-sectional, population-based study, describing the rates of carpal tunnel release surgery, standardized by age and sex, among areas in the region of Valencia in 2006. The observed variation was then analyzed using small-area analysis methods. Data from hospital admissions, referrals to private hospitals, population statistics and hospital resources were used to construct standardized rates, …

research product

Individualised perioperative open-lung approach versus standard protective ventilation in abdominal surgery (iPROVE): a randomised controlled trial

Background The effects of individualised perioperative lung-protective ventilation (based on the open-lung approach [OLA]) on postoperative complications is unknown. We aimed to investigate the effects of intraoperative and postoperative ventilatory management in patients scheduled for abdominal surgery, compared with standard protective ventilation. Methods We did this prospective, multicentre, randomised controlled trial in 21 teaching hospitals in Spain. We enrolled patients who were aged 18 years or older, were scheduled to have abdominal surgery with an expected time of longer than 2 h, had intermediate-to-high-risk of developing postoperative pulmonary complications, and who had a bod…

research product

Variabilidad en la utilización de los servicios de urgencias hospitalarios del Sistema Nacional de Salud

ResumenObjetivoLos objetivos de este estudio fueron estimar las tasas de frecuentación a los servicios de urgencias hospitalarios (SUH) del Sistema Nacional de Salud (SNS) por áreas de salud, el porcentaje de ingresos, las razones estandarizadas de utilización de urgencias y analizar la relación con los recursos hospitalarios.MétodosEstudio ecológico combinando información de diversas fuentes (Encuesta de Establecimientos Sanitarios con Régimen de Internado 2006 y Conjunto Mínimo de Datos Básicos 2006) para estimar la frecuentación a los SUH y el porcentaje de ingresos asociado en 164 áreas de salud de 14 comunidades autónomas (CC.AA.).ResultadosLos 35,3 millones de habitantes de las 164 ár…

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A noninvasive postoperative clinical score to identify patients at risk for postoperative pulmonary complications: The air-test score

BACKGROUND: Postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs) negatively affect morbidity, healthcare costs and postsurgical survival. Preoperative and intraoperative peripheral oxyhemoglobin saturation (SpO2) levels are independent risk factors for postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs). The air-test assesses the value of SpO2 while breathing room-air. We aimed at building a clinical score that includes the air-test for predicting the risk for PPCs. METHODS: This is a development and validation study in patients -randomly divided into two cohorts- from a large randomized clinical trial (iPROVE) that enrolled 964 intermediate-to-high risk patients scheduled for abdominal surgery. Arterial …

research product

Sesgos territoriales en la mortalidad hospitalaria estimada por la encuesta de morbilidad hospitalaria

Fundamentos. La Encuesta de Morbilidad Hospitalaria (EMH) incorpora actualmente el 85% de los hospitales y el 90% de las altas, y es la única fuente de ámbito estatal que permite profundizar, con información sobre diagnóstico, edad o género, en el estudio del hospital como lugar de fallecimiento. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la posible presencia de sesgos territoriales en la mortalidad hospitalaria recogida en la EMH respecto al universo muestral que supone la Estadística de Establecimientos Sanitarios con Régimen de Internado (EESCRI). Métodos. Se contrastó, para cada provincia y en 2004, las estimaciones de altas, fallecidos y porcentaje de mortalidad de la EMH con los datos de…

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Medida del resultado de las intervenciones sanitarias en España: una aproximación mediante el análisis temporal y espacial de la mortalidad evitable entre 1986-2001

Fundamento: Muchos estudios proponen la mortalidad evitable (ME) como indicador para monitorizar los servicios de salud aunque su generalización está limitada por el gran número de listas de causas utilizadas. El objetivo es analizar la evolución temporal del período 1986-2001 y la distribución geográfica de la mortalidad evitable utilizando una lista de causas consensuada. Métodos: Se analiza la mortalidad evitable global (ME) y agrupada en causas ISAS (intervenciones de los servicios sanitarios) y causas IPSI (políticas intersectoriales). Se analiza la evolución temporal ajustando una recta de regresión de Poisson o un modelo de regresión de Joinpoint, según el caso, y se estima el porcen…

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