Emmanuelle Stoetzel
Late Quaternary changes in bat palaeobiodiversity and palaeobiogeography under climatic and anthropogenic pressure: new insights from Marie-Galante, Lesser Antilles.
25 pages; International audience; Data on Lesser Antillean Late Quaternary fossil bat assemblages remains limited, leading to their general exclusion from studies focusing on Caribbean bat palaeobiodiversity and palaeobiogeography. Additionally, the role of climatic versus human pressure driving changes in faunal communities remains poorly understood. Here we describe a fossil bat assemblage from Blanchard Cave on Marie-Galante in the Lesser Antilles, which produced numerous bat remains from a well-dated, stratified context. Our study reveals the occurrence of at least 12 bat species during the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene on Marie-Galante, whereas only eight species are currently kn…
New palaeoecological approaches to interpret climatic fluctuations in Holocene sites of the Pampean region of Argentina
The apparently regular and favourable climate that characterizes the Holocene as an interglacial period shows, however, important climatic instability well documented in the Northern Hemisphere. These fluctuations from colder to warmer or wetter to drier affected both biodiversity and human societies in the last 12,000 years, although the impact in Southern America is still poorly known. We are here investigating the biodiversity of small mammal faunas, more sensitive to climatic changes than large mammals, combining taphonomic and palaeoecological data in the Argentine Pampas to better understand the global nature and effect of these Holocene climatic fluctuations. This paper is pioneering…
Looking inside rodent teeth: δ18O analysis used to reconstruct the environment of MIS 3 in Northeastern Iberia
International audience; Small mammals (insectivores, bats and rodents) are one of the most useful tools to reconstruct Quaternary environment. Recent studies have demonstrated the relation between the stable oxygen isotopes (mainly δ18O) from biogenetic phosphates from rodent teeth with the δ18O from meteoric water; that at the same time can be potentially related with palaeotemperatures. This work explores the palaeoenvironment reconstructions based on the δ18O composition of phosphates from enamel of rodent teeth (mainly Murinae and Arvicolinae) to approach to the Marine Isotope Stage 3 (ca. 60-30 ka) in Northeastern Iberia. Fourteen new δ18O analyses from current samples are presented, c…