북유럽 레트로: 핀란드의 레트로게임 문화 [Retrogaming in Finland]
Sega Rally oli oman elämänsä maanteiden kuninkaiden mansikkapaikka
Jos entisaikojen viihdekioskeista yksi pitäisi nostaa ylitse muiden, se olisi vuonna 1994 ilmestynyt Sega Rally Championship, jossa tuijotetaan hypnoottismagneettisesti sumentunutta monitoria ja suhataan pientareita pitkin kartturin tsempatessa. nonPeerReviewed
Radalta Laajakaistalle? : e-urheilun ja autourheilun välinen suhde ja tulevaisuus F1:ssä
In my article I address the growing interaction between esports and autosports and the possible changes to follow regarding the power relationship of these sports. Due to the pressures to change, that the automotive industry and -sports have faced, I speculate, that in the future competitive gaming with its popularity as a media-friendly sport could rise up to the popularity level of for example F1 series. This would have to do with the byproducts of esports, such as the synergy between states, constructors and teams. These would alongside have larger cultural, economic and technical consequences and even effects on fan and gaming culture. As my theoretical frame are the thoughts of Jean Ba…