Udo Jendrysiak

Ergebnisse der klinischen Erprobung der Operationszugangsplanung mit NeurOPS

Bildgebende Systeme liefern dem Neurochirurgen eine Ftille von Bildmaterial mit standig steigender Qualitat, deren praktischer Nutzen fur die Operation und deren Planung nur seiten hinterfragt wird [5]. Der klinische Einsatz einer computergestutzten Planung wird vor allem durch den notwendigen Zeitaufwand zur Rekonstruktion, weniger bei der Planung selbst, behindert. Das Programm NeurOPS wurde speziell fur die Planung patientenindividueller Zugangswege fur einen minimalinvasiven Eingriff in enger Zusammenarbeit mit Neuroradiologen und Neurochirurgen entwickelt. 1998 wurde abschliesend eine umfangreiche klinische Erprobung durchgefuhrt.

research product

OPS — Operation Planning System for Neurosurgery

The departments for neuroradiology and neurosurgery intend to use computer aided methods for individual planning of operations in the sella region. Essential structures like the optic nerve, arteries, aneurysms, the pituitary stalk, ventricles, and tumors should be segmented, reconstructed and visualized. The computed 3D view shall simulate the neurosurgeon’s view through the operation microscope into the scene. This approach shall remedy the lack of available medical image analysis systems for neurosurgical intervention. The emphasis in this article will be on the segmentation algorithms and the impact of the system on daily neuroradiological work.

research product

Real and simulated endoscopy of neurosurgical approaches in an anatomical model

Endoscopy simulation is a new visualisation technique which can be used to visualise patient anatomy as seen through endoscopes. In the following, we describe the application of simulated endoscopy to neurosurgical endoscopic approaches. We assess different aspects of virtual images and their influence on the final result, as judged by clinicians. One of these aspects is the projective geometry which is used to render the 3D images. Rendering using stereographic projection leads to more realistic endoscopic views than perspective projection.

research product